“Do you want vinegar on your chips?”
“Do you want vinegar on your chips?”
I can see that. Traveling while white invites a lot of peddling and harassment. The adult thing is to ignore all that though.
Since most people here seem to be American, the problem is their worldview. Nowadays “right wing” in america just means insane people. Americans have lost all sense of nuance, everything is black or white.
Never once has my thirst reflex failed to keep me saturated. What’s wrong with these water enthusiast people?
I wonder if it would be legal in America to print “No cyanide!” on the box to make people pick it over other stuff from the sea of frozen garbage.
It’s amazing that something as inhuman as brutalism ever developed.
Seriously, even putting a croissant in a plastic bag warrants a first strike.
Damn, I could’ve avoided hours of scrolling up by now if I knew about this before.
A Hind-D?!
I am a former pastry chef and baker. You’d think it’s very precise work but it’s actually mostly intuition based on experience. You know the recipes and tweak them as you go. Also the batch sizes are many times bigger than a home cook ever makes so a cup of flour more or less usually makes no difference to the end product. With leavening agents the margin of error is smaller obviously.
Flour’s ability to absorb water changes depending on what variety of wheat and where it was grown and what the weather was like during the season. Weight is also just a guideline. Baking is not an exact science.
Tom Green is somewhere in there.
I’m partial to Mildlife
Yep, low in flavor and easy to overcook.
Perplexingly they’re bred to maximize the size of the worst meat; the breast.
Just wondering, how wide is the lace gap on your shoes when you’re laced up? I’ve never needed a shoe horn unless I was trying to get my foot into a shoe that was too small.
Because “they” refers to multiple people?
And how does the family react when they come back in with red eyes and reeking of weed?
You’re right, some countries absolutely suck in this regard and it’s a whole different world depending on which sex you represent and if you’re traveling alone or not.