Red flags? That’s the greenest flag I’ve ever seen
Red flags? That’s the greenest flag I’ve ever seen
Good, that means she’s an extremely shallow girl willing to leave me for futile motives. Thank you for helping me dodge a bullet cowboy.
I don’t think the armenians would like to go through the armenian genocide all over again
This is a Shitpost community, not a spitting facts community
Thank you for the drawing! I’ll check that band out later
Can you draw me being happy? I cannot imagine it by myself
How do you do fellow zoomers?
Objection: appeal to authority + appeal to tradition + I did the fuck with yo mama last night
/s if that’s really necessary
I dunno, but you can skip the boss fight if you bring me some nice food
Genuine question. What is this meme trying to imply?
For those who are wondering, the song is “what we did in the desert” by “eightiesheadachetape”
My brother in Christ I use Firefox
Yeah I know, I tried (and failed?) to be funny
My side is that vaccines do NOT cause autism.
Their side is that vaccines DO cause autism.
So the truth is that vaccines cause autism sometimes?
Ti scrivo giusto per avvisarti che la community in cui hai creato il post non è una community italiana. La maggior parte delle persone non è in grado di leggere il tuo post. Puoi provare a postare una versione in Inglese del post oppure ripostare in una community italiana