Strawman. You’re implying that OP believes hate speech can’t encroach on the freedom of others. Nothing in their post leads me to believe they think that.
Strawman. You’re implying that OP believes hate speech can’t encroach on the freedom of others. Nothing in their post leads me to believe they think that.
Even 5 minutes seems short. You’re already dead, what’s the rush?
You don’t have to ship a second OS just to containerize your app.
To log in to your account online?
Doesn’t mbin federate with Mastodon? I’ve been thinking about moving to an mbin server for that reason…
He can’t become a Saint until after he dies, unfortunately.
If you have a spare pci-e port you can get a card that adds a USB controller. Some m.2 ports also have a pci-e channel you could use with an adapter.
There’s also jury nullification.
One way to tell is that people don’t get denied medical care because they don’t have insurance, they get denied care because the hospital doesn’t think they’ll be able to pay. It doesn’t matter to the hospital if the money comes from insurance or out of the patients pocket. Unlike most patients, this guy can afford 7 figure medical bills.
Since you mentioned Webster… See definition “1.b” for the most common meaning of the term when people are talking about human generations (Millennials, boomers, anything that starts with “Gen”). Context matters.
Are you saying every human alive today belongs to the same generation? That’s not how it works.
Think about it… If Gen alpha agrees not to have kids, there will still be a generation after them, raised by Gen Z. A lot of families have a generation gap between parents and their children.
Don’t forget the Millennials who graduated high school/college during the 08 housing crisis.
It’ll take more than one…
LetsEncrypt is a good option if you want to set it up yourself. More work than cloudflare though.
And you lose access to “your” site if they go out of business. Sounds a lot like renting, not sure where the “ownership” part comes in.
Only if it’s an uncommon name, otherwise you get a dozen linkedin profiles.
The vulnerability was discovered during a pwn2own competition. The competition was endorsed and probably sponsored by Synology. Not sure what the problem is?
AWD might help you avoid getting stuck, but it does nothing to avoid getting in an accident. A cheap 4 cyl FWD with chains or winter tires would do better than a Subaru with crappy tires in icy weather.