How much of the data do you think is collected, kept, and used long term? i.e. what proportion and amount

(I realize this might be a better question for privacy, but I managed to get myself banned for flaming some piracy folks)

    2 months ago

    How much of the data do you think is collected

    I would assume all data that companies can get their hands on. Fun fact, I installed Windows 10 in a VM a few days ago and it had like 5 “do you want to send us optional data or only the required data? Y/n” screens in the installer alone 💀

    kept, and used long term

    Probably until you request it’s deletion using a law like GDPR. Data is valuable because:

    1. it’s used in targeted advertising
    2. it can be sold to data brokers
    3. it can be sold to government agencies
    4. depending on the type of data, it might be usable for AI training/can be sold to AI companies