This one has the devil/angel on shoulder along with the kid/fairy (I don’t think its actually a fairy but im to influenced with things like whitewolf so adding to angel/devil my brain just wants to make it another fantasy figure. there is a cavewoman who I think of as like a troll. not to be confused with the artist sometimes cosplaying as an orc or something at ren fairs). These figures are sorta the on the shoulder inner thoughts/feelings thing. Modern form people might be familiar with is inside out. I mention it because someone had remarked about the artist changing outfits when the devil figure made an appearance in a previous one (whose outfit is a bit reminiscent of ones they used to wear when clubbing. I sorta wonder if the angels outfit might be choir outfit or something but the comic starts to old to know if the artist was in one if they ever were)

    1 month ago

    High likelihood there was a sign/menu with sprinkles as one of the the options, and she just didn’t see it. No one ever reads the signs/menus…