In Venezuela the Christmas dish consists of Hallacas (like tamales but more elaborate); Ensalada de Gallina (with potatoes, carrots and diced apples with mayonnaise); Pernil de Cerdo and Pan de Jamón.

Venezuelan dish with Hallacas, Ham Bread, Pig Leg and Chicken Salad

The hallaca is the main part, and as such the tastiest and my favorite, both to eat it and to make it, which is not at all easy since it requires the help of the whole family.

    3 months ago

    A big chicken with a special farofa stuffing with a family recipe (mine had, besides farofa itself, dried plums, gizzards, chicken liver, and other good stuff that my mother decided would match). The stuffing is cooked inside the chicken as it baked. It’s not uncommon to decorate the chicken with pineapple slices, figs and cherries.

    Sides are usually rice “a la greek” (No idea why it’s called that, but it’s regular white rice with carrots, raisins, chives, varying by family), a simple salad (lettuce, tomato, onion).