• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    4 months ago


    The 80s were fucked, but if you’re saying it was worse than the response to the Civil Rights movement…


    Jim Crow…

    Or the KKK destroying reconstruction…

    Like, I could see saying that last one was the point, only if you start the clock immediately after resolving the civil war. Cause obviously a Civil War is what really happens after a point of no return. We lasted a couple years in between the two points.

    For as fucked as the last 40 years has been, as far as America goes we’re beating the average on basic human decency.

    What’s happening now isn’t new, it’s a slip backwards, which is unfortunately common when you try to fight fascism with moderate politics. It works for a little bit because they’re coasting off the last people who really fought. But all moderate politcs really are, is giving fascist time to regroup in the shadows like fucking Sauron.

    It’s a cycle, and we live in a time when you can learn pretty much anything about history in a few minutes on Wikipedia

    America can not afford for voters to stay ignorant. We need people who know what happened last time, what worked then, and what might work again. Stop acting like we live in unprecedented times, and start reading up on how fascism has been defeated historically.

    Cuz we’re up, like it or not shits getting real again. And the more people know what we’re doing then better.