It’s a curious thing. I’m not dismissing any of their claims, but I find it a bit interesting that they can so easily uncover everything that the government doesn’t want you to know when it’s hidden for a reason.
It’s a curious thing. I’m not dismissing any of their claims, but I find it a bit interesting that they can so easily uncover everything that the government doesn’t want you to know when it’s hidden for a reason.
depends on the conspiracy theory.
real conspiracies; like MK-Ultra, we find out through leaks, declassification and similar sources.
The loony-bin conspiracy theories like “moon landing hoax” (any one with a ham radio could track the apollo CSM as it went to the moon, there’s no way to hide such a trip. there’s really no way to fake those signals.) are mostly sourced from bullshit.
another great example of this is the Birds Aren’t Real conspiracy. Which… uh… started as satire. there’s plenty of ways they get started, but they all boil down to bullshit.
Hold up. Birds Aren’t Real has true believers now?
the people they were making fun of… demonstrated Poe’s Law.
in any case… I give you this…

it’s a drone used for wildlife conservation so as to not spook whatever they’re trying to track; too much.
That doesn’t seem like a conspiracy. That looks like a potential legitimate bit of tech and for that purpose. Have anything a little more convincing?
in full disclosure… I’m not one of those…
I mean I build R/C aircraft all the time. one of my favorites is an 8" scale version of the 1950’s Day the Earth Stood Still flying saucer for refrence
More than once, I’ve flown that in a park only for some MAGA-idiot to go fetch a shotgun and shoot at it. these people are not exactly stable.
That sounds fun as hell
The link is broken for me.
Let’s try that
Thank you. It look really awesome, it must be a lot of fun in R/C format.