They’re hard candies and not gummies, though.
They’re hard candies and not gummies, though.
It’s a good flick, I enjoyed it
If you’re an avid Asimov fan, you should know it’s only loosely related to the iRobot stories.
You mean like…. Inductive power transmission? Like every modern cell phone uses?
It’s been around for quite a while, actually, and chances are solid, you use it every day without realizing it.
Nikola Tesla worked on it because he wanted to create a sort of electromagnetic shield that would prevent any sort of attack. The problem with the shield was it would- theoretically-prevent all the -modern attacks. (It sort of worked. The problem was it required horrible amounts of power, just for a single tower, would require a massive power grid and still had the problem of frying any bit of metal. Details.)
The inductive power transmission actually worked quite well, besides the efficiency involved in the inverse square law.
Which, brings us to the new-modern era, with inductive charging for devices- electric toothbrushes were the first since it let you seal the toothbrush and still charge it- then we see it in RFID type things
the RF powers a chip that modulates the carrier wave and rebroadcasts something different. This is used for access control, mostly, but it was basically the same thing as The Thing- a Soviet era bug in the US’s embassy in Moscow. Located in the seal they gifted. This is also used when you “tap” credit or debit cards.
We also see it while charging phones, or apple watches or anything like that.
The reason it’s all relatively low-power is that as you increase in power, it becomes increasingly inefficient. Horribly so.
Uhm, cops are already fingerprinted. It’s on file as part of the background check. Any defense attorney would be able to file the necessary subpoena for that record. (It’s kept for all sorts of reasons.)
Further, fingerprints are considered “evidence”, and can just be collected, even if they weren’t on file, a simple subpoena would compel it- and again, any defense attorney can file and get it.
The cop-legally- enjoys exactly the same protections of due process you do. And that includes access to any potentially exculpatory evidence.
It’s going to be much harder to prove that the cop planted it, though, for one thing fingerprints on the outside are easily explained away, even if they exist or aren’t so damaged as to be useless. And cops normally aren’t stupid enough to live prints in hard to explain places.
For another, the deck is stacked in the cop’s favor- the court trusts them. Frequently, in the face of overwhelming evidence they can’t be trusted.
Open-plan office spaces are pure torture.
Get him some cheap 90’s era headphones (you know with the ribbon head band, and the shitty foam pads,) and leave a passive-aggressive note informing him his listening happens suck.
(totally not profanity 😉)
I don’t believe you. <checks> eh. coulda been worse.
No, it won’t.
At worst, your record will show that you’re about to go expired. Once the renewal processes, they’ll see when you renewed and all that.
that’s so they can say they tried for the H1B visas
this is why you don’t promote the monster that created this monstrosity:
(also, bonus pic, for shits and giggles.)
that’s what a CIA interrogator would say.
This is why I always order two burritos, tacos and another burrito.
They’ll never suspect I could eat all that, so it must be for a family, right?
all that to say that the sex is better with older women.
She was a pretty woman and even if it’s cliche, I’m pretty sure it makes things a little easier some times.
Known fact, yes.
Better than a birthday suit.
Seriously. Have you seen Superman lately? He’s really let himself go. Nobody wants to see that.
Sometimes, the most a person can contribute to the team is chum.
Switch backs are easier on the body and require less effort than a straight climb.
No shame in taking them, and you’ll enjoy the summit more because your body isn’t bitching at you for what you did to it. (And then again after the walk down.)
The show. Not the character
It was understated, and another way to say it better might be “gay comedy for straight people”, but a fairly large number of the writers and characters were openly lgbtq.
Maybe the show just wasn’t dicks to lgbtq, but it was the 90’s and that’s remarkable enough. It’s been a while, maybe I should watch it again.
Tim was cartoonishly flawed- the way he treated everyone was awful, even after all that character growth. His kids. His wife. Al. Even his wisdom-dispensing neighbor.
Most of the wisdom that was dispensed was forgotten by the next episode.
Which, I think might just have been the actor’s fault more recently he was on another show my parents tried to get me to start watching and I had to walk out of the room- the sexism was that bad.
But it was the 90’s and sexist pigs was one of the only typecasting for male leads in sitcoms. Of the ones I watched, I think fraiser was the only one that wasn’t…. But that was a gay comedy…
(Don’t judge I was in middle school, I wasn’t the one picking the shows.)
Snickerdoodles are the manlier cookie. Change my mind.
Please remember, the person on the other end …. They’re people too.