You literally have the most expensive possible options for every single one of those
2.50/ patty for plant protein??? Vegans are suckers.
The only thing that bothers me about your statement is how much my tax dollars pay to subsidize your stupid meat addiction.
Buying prepared food is expensive.
The only thing prepared is the *coffee cake.
Veggie burgers are also prepared, and bread is also ready to eat.
Lol, you’re out of your mind! A frozen patty is not “ready to eat” and is not prepared. You know that… Come on, you know if you order a burger anywhere it will arrive cooked and hot, all components assembled and actually ready to eat. Anything less, and it’s not “prepared”.
I would expect to pay more for veggie burgers than normal burgers
I expect to pay more too, albeit very begrudgingly. To develop meat you have to feed vegetables to an animal for months/years and then you need to process the meat in a very specific manner to separate the meat, the offal, and the bones.
A vegetable patty? Just mush it all up and call it a day, maybe add some beetroot extract to give it that ‘bloody’ colour.
The lack of competition, the lack of consumer demand, and the lack of government subsidies have turned what should be a very cheap alternative into a luxury good.
Maybe you can make your own veggie burgers. I never buy beef burgers. I just buy ground beef and make my burgers.