No, if you go twice as fast, it would only align with one at 12 and one at 24. It’s not about speed, it’s about the intersections of forward and backward laps.
No, if you go twice as fast, it would only align with one at 12 and one at 24. It’s not about speed, it’s about the intersections of forward and backward laps.
Lots of people know a broken clock is right twice per day, but many are unaware that a clock running backwards is right 4 times per day.
Salary really depends on value provided or enabled. That’s why more knowledge stops mattering at a certain point, someone with a month of experience driving a forklift is less valuable than someone with 3 years, but 6 years of experience isn’t significantly different.
There’s also benefits to being closer to money to show value. This is why sales jobs tend to pay better, as showing direct responsibility for 1 million in sales vs keeping the machines running that made the product.
I’d maybe be better, but I’d still have a kickass life.
It still depends on the game, even with instant loading there’s various time commitments a game realistically takes. 15 minutes of Skyrim isn’t very fun, but 15 minutes of vampire survivors is awesome. 2 hours of time is a different story though.
There are reasons to pay 350k for a degree. Facebook only exists because Zuck went to Harvard. It wasn’t the education though, it’s the exposure to rich people. If you don’t do the networking though it’s a huge waste.
One of the first things I learned was to never buy books before the first class.
As with most things, it’s a continuum. Some assimilation is good, a hairstyle, a clothing style, food, even customs. Sometimes certain people can go too far, and it gets more problematic. Think the jeweler in Snatch that isn’t Jewish but pretends to be. The episode of The Neighborhood with Nicole Sullivan. Rachael Dolezal.
Yep the no alcohol makes no sense, public drunkenness or alcoholism are different, but alcohol use is pretty common. It’s not just the water to wine thing, there’s also the last supper where he essentially gave a toast of “continue to toast in my name.”
Masculinity has been defined as toxic by default for many.
Again the miracle was a beer run for a wedding, soni think celebration and drinking can go together.
For the alcohol thing, it’s mostly about excess. Otherwise you have to ignore the first miracle Jesus performed was essentially a beer run.
Somewhat fortunately modern technology solved most of this. It’s just a matter of asking the right company to provide proof.
It’s a great heads up that something is a longform piece and will have a couple interesting paragraphs followed by 10s of garbage ones that are nothing, then a couple useful points, then more garbage.
Seems reasonable price wise, Walmart sells a smaller pack from the same company for about $20.
You can’t play fortnite directly on a steam deck, only stream it from somewhere else.
It’s an HSA, keep as much as you can in it. Use it for medical if you have too. Let it become functionally an IRA when you hit 65.
In the 50s id be surprised if there was more than one piece of equipment in the state that could move that thing. Even today I’d be shocked if there were more than a handful of capable machines in the state.
A lot of weddings end in divorce because those who get divorced get married more.
You can picture a clock or a track. If you have one going forward and one backwards, they meet at the halfway point (6), and again at the full lap (12). This happens twice in a day.
If you have one going twice as fast, they only meet when the faster one laps the slower one. The two clocks would be at 3&6, 6&12, 9&6(18), 12&12(24)