Or in other words, everyone else is complete shit.
This is dumb.
I love it.
I ran sid for 6 years without issue. You might like it :)
EDIT: I only switched after my employer mandated an Ubuntu flavor
The worst here are financial institutions. What do I want the most security on? My money.
I get that they have regulations, but it annoys me all the time.
My mommie always told me I was special
xz for me. I like to keep my backdoor wide open.
Christ, now I have to buy a new jersey
Same. I tend to block all the local communities. Like tbh I don’t really care what’s happening in like Boston
Yeah I like to try and go a little cross eyed
I’m proud of you, random internet stranger!
I don’t agree. Really nice improvement imo. But I get it, change is hard.
I believe this is the specification: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8591
Hey man, like we’ve got time to improve!
Writing is hard. The law is complicated. Write something up for the admins to review.
I like squeal. MS-squeal, my-squeal