It’s more about keeping the downloads code independent from the cache code. Once one depends on the other, you can’t change either one without considering the other. Minimizing dependencies is a way of reducing complexity.
It’s more about keeping the downloads code independent from the cache code. Once one depends on the other, you can’t change either one without considering the other. Minimizing dependencies is a way of reducing complexity.
That’s right, I was referring to the browser/client developer. The browser cache is treated as ephemeral storage so it’s not a safe assumption that a previously downloaded file is still there.
It’s simpler code to re-download the file than retrieve what cached version may or may not exist in memory or on disk. Developers often like to keep code simple at the expense of some kinds of efficiency, like this.
An image is usually small enough to be downloaded in no time on a fast connection, which is what developers usually have and don’t stop to think that others might not have.
A video is probably being streamed so earlier segments may no longer be present locally.
10 or more years ago I would have said yes. But in this current version of capitalism, any powerful new technology will be used to benefit the very rich only, at the expense of the rest of us. It will hurt us more than help us at this moment.
Thanks to all who answered, I will go for it because my body is mostly microplastics at this point anyway.
It’s not a coherent argument, people just don’t like paying rent so they lash out in frustration. If you can’t own you have to rent, if you have to rent you have to rent from someone. It’s just a fact of life. Just like food is also a requirement to live and you need to pay someone for that too if you’re not self sufficient. There’s good people selling food and bad people selling food. It would be dumb to consider all food merchants evil in principle just as it’s dumb to consider all landlords evil in principle.
If you’re one color and you’re living in a culture where you’re surrounded by a majority of people of a different color who don’t treat you as one of them, then you’re going to identify more with the community of your own color.
This reminds me of that infographic that explains the difference between equality, equity, etc.
Good thing you’re not judging. If it was the passive aggressive criticism it looks like on the surface, it might contribute to this very topic of people feeling safer keeping to themselves than speaking freely and saying the wrong words.
If you’re still on there then fuck you anyway.
Sadly, it only works if you’re selling hate and fear.
I think of Sanders as like a well-meaning version of Trump. He tells people simple, good-sounding things they want to hear. I trust that he truly cares about the working class, but his ideas are probably too big and vague for there to be a path to actually implement them in any Congress of this era. He’s aware of his recent popularity and maybe a little bitter that he hasn’t gotten much out of it. He’s only a Democrat himself to the extent he can gain more from calling himself that than an independent, so with little to lose at this point in his career he’s lashing out while he can win points kicking the Democrats.
I think they’re implying that it can be rude to broadcast someone’s age, since some people like to be private about it.
The passive and undiscerning types (the majority) stayed on reddit and the more ambitious and deliberate types came here. But where would users for this specific format come from if not largely reddit?
Election Day is traditionally the day to vote, campaigns are still running before that point. Anyone who votes earlier does so with less information than later voters. Trump could say something stupid between now and Election Day, and wouldn’t you feel bad if you’d already voted for him and couldn’t take it back?
Same reason morning is earlier in the day than night. This is just how linear time works.
We need to communicate our sexual identity clearly at a high level because we all need to work out with each other who can date or fuck who.
We don’t have as much practical reason to know each other’s specific experience with autism right away. And if you are close to someone and need to understand their autism at a lower level, their personal situation is more complicated than being one of five or six types.
And if you do need to understand someone’s sexuality at a low level, it could also be more complicated and individualized than just being one letter. But knowing that one letter with sexuality helps as a start.
No, dialup was still common in the early days of Steam, game content was not largely being delivered as downloads yet and discs were still useful because it could not yet be taken for grated that a customer would be always online.
But I’d still rather download a game straight from the developer or publisher without an additional middleman. Privacy aside, the cost of that rent seeking from Steam gets passed along to you.
Before Steam you bought a physical disc and it didn’t matter that you technically only purchased a license, the disc was yours and nobody was coming to your house to take it away if the publisher started fighting with the developer or whatever.
Postgres is a more robust and better designed and developed product, also it’s not owned by fucking Oracle.