It wasn’t allowed in the US? Wow. Didn’t know that. In EU it’s available since about ten years. Current systems have high definition projectors with >1 million pixels which can display nearly everything on the street before you.
Macht hochspannende Autos ohne Dinosaurier-Antrieb…
It wasn’t allowed in the US? Wow. Didn’t know that. In EU it’s available since about ten years. Current systems have high definition projectors with >1 million pixels which can display nearly everything on the street before you.
Die Frage wäre: was wäre das gewünschte Vorgehen wenn man seine PIN vergessen hat, die dazu da ist die Ausweisfunktion vor unberechtigter Nutzung zu schützen?
Vermutlich nicht nicht sicherzustellen, dass der Rücksetzbrief in falsche Hände gelangen kann bei der Aushändigung.
P.S.: PostIdent bei Briefübergabe sollte auch via Postbote an der eigenen Haustüre gehen… wenn die Behörde den Service nutzt. Die Post bietet es jedenfalls an ohne Weg in die Filiale. Zumindest da wo ich wohne. 🤷♂️ Ist exakt so passiert, als die Krankenkasse den PIN-Brief zur eGK per Post geschickt hat.
You could just put it in mWh. BAM, bigger number.
3000 mAh * 3.7V = 11.100 mWh Much bigger. Much better.
I hate mAh… it’s absolutely no information how much energy is inside without taking the voltage into account. If you use directly (m)Wh, you directly have the amount of energy the battery can contain.
War der Betriebsurlaub bei BMW schon vorbei? Bei der Aktion am 23.8. in Regensburg war das ja eher so naja…
That’s why I switched sides. From programming myself to developing functions and writing requirements which someone else can implement into code. :)
I could do some programming (did embedded C), but surely I wasn’t the very best in it. So now I’m the guy who defines what a small (but essential) part of SW has to do which will run in hopefully a few million cars in a couple of years. :) Much more fun (and money).
His first kid was called „My“?
Shade, cooler Air in summer, better protection against rain… 🤷♂️ Trees are 😎