• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2021


  • All contracts are negotiable, you did nothing wrong other than not having a conversation before wasting paper, the main issue is that for most people the negotiation is “if you want to work here you have to agree to all this.”

    But yeah reasonable accommodation and mutual understandings, etc, should be written down and signed. I challenged the non-disclosure agreement at my job once because it literally said I couldn’t talk about my work with ANYONE, and a plain reading of it would mean I’d be unable to even talk to my boss about what I was supposed to be doing. It was poorly written and probably unenforceable. My boss didn’t like that so I signed it anyway and then focused on finding work elsewhere (he was a dick and his company got raided by the FBI a few years later)

  • If you can’t feel your hand heating up if you hold it near the oven and sensors or thermometer strips don’t register any temperature increase outside the oven when it’s on then nothing substantial is escaping. The amount of 2.4ghz energy required for indoor communication is on the order of tenths or hundredths of a watt, whereas the amount of energy required to cook food is on the order of 1000 watts. So you’re talking about a 10,000-100,000-fold difference in magnitude.

    For non-ionizing EM radiation like radio waves and normal light (as opposed to ionizing radiation that can cause cancer by knocking bits off your DNA like UV rays and X rays) the danger is in, essentially, cooking your flesh. For radio professionals determining if a microwave antenna or cell phone is safe for your body, we calculate watts per square centimeter, in other words how much electrical energy is delivered to your skin’s surface. When a radio professional messes up and gets exposed to dangerous levels of energy, they experience it as feeling very warm or burning, and may suffer symptoms similar to a sunburn or, worst case, like putting a body part in a microwave oven.

    Also because of how rays of energy work mathematically against surfaces, every foot you stand away will exponentially decrease the amount of energy you’d possibly receive: standing 6 feet away will give you 2.8% the dose versus standing 1 foot away. So even if you have a dangerously defective oven, just don’t hang out with your face pressed to the glass and you’ll have much bigger things to worry about in life.

    TLDR: there’s no voodoo scariness behind microwaves, just try to make sure they’re not warming you up and cooking you, especially for extended periods of time. You’d probably notice if they were.

    The main hazard of putting an electronic device in a microwave is that it heats up and catches fire or ruins your food.