So you prefer it because everyone use it? This doesn’t sound smart
So you prefer it because everyone use it? This doesn’t sound smart
You cannot setup servers on Discord.
If you have to interact with documents created by others it would be better to use open formats not proprietary shit designed to be not cross compatible
Some linux distros are also damn easy to install, easier than windows just try for yourself
Sounds like you have never installed linux
Bringing their spyware to linux isn’t anything good
I wouldn’t call them amazing if they would rather focus on free/pay content rather than releasing binaries for linux. I wouldn’t call them amazing either if they consider releasing binaries as an investment.
There’s plenty of devs who work on their games without the ambition to bank the stock market.
The only desire they have for is money, this is the same company that doesn’t mind promoting gambling to kids. Their stupid ass closed source launcher that shouldn’t exist needed to run software is a million light years away from what Linux stand for
If the games you are playing don’t run on linux than you are mostly playing crap designed by people who’s main goal is to empty your pockets and who think that you are stupid
So awesome they run a monopoly on videogames through their useless closed source spyware.
Don’t get fooled by what’s popular, open source it’s better by design and it’s there to stay. You can do color correction on Blender too