it could have said “captives in my dungeon” and had the same impact without involving slavery
maybe yes or maybe no
it could have said “captives in my dungeon” and had the same impact without involving slavery
Poorer? No. Richer? Also no. Cheaper? Some things, like housing and wine. Other things, same or more expensive (such as electronics) Healthcare was at least as good but easier to get into.
I was constantly surprised just how normal/at home I felt. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
deleted by creator
enjoy my (fake) upvote
that realtor did you dirty. “I looked around and it was fine”?? please don’t use them ever again. that’s sketchy and dishonest. no reputable realtor without something to hide would say that. I would report them to the state realtor board.
get the inspection. and when it’s time to sell, get another one.
yeah, they would
ha, you beautifully illustrated their point.
i’m not saying you’re wrong, it’s just funny how on-the-nose you got it.
privacy, maybe? I know I don’t want certain people notified that I have received their text
missing my pull request by a lot?
Spirited Away. Before it won the Oscar it was in limited release in the US. A friend drove me nearly three hours to the closest showing. After the Oscar it came to most theatres. I took other friends to see it on two separate occasions.
Termux from fdroid plus Andronix (
what you did there is called the “slippery slope fallacy”
oh my god, thank you for this
I’ve been using Andronix, how does this compare?
this is exactly why I switched - “I hope you’re well” requires no response