That exception is my primary use case for tmux, so that explains it.
That exception is my primary use case for tmux, so that explains it.
As a non-user of kitty, why did it make you drop tmux? Don’t they do different jobs?
There are no bad words. Bad thoughts. Bad intentions, and wooooords.
– George Carlin
That’s what a lot of countries allow. Not all though.
That’s fine and is what most European countries have. What they have is minimum levels to say that a parent is resident (e.g. over a couple of years of a legal status). This is to avoid pregnant women doing exactly what the OP suggests. Make journeys last minute just to get their child a different nationality.
Are you a duck?
Probably less addictive.
Don’t replace social media with something else on your phone.
Put the phone down and walk away.
Those are rookie numbers.
I think what you’re seeing is people trying to get Americans angry enough to get beyond the coach potato acceptance of events that many are displaying. Get them to be what they always claimed to be… A country full of patriots that will fight for their country rather than see it destroyed from within.
We can’t help you all from outside.
Most people don’t hold logically consistent sets of values, and that’s ok. There’s always going to be things that you think make sense on a social scale, but when the individual case is raised it feels wrong.
The key is being honest with yourself when it happens and try to understand if it makes one of your positions wrong (or both).
…and then you sit down one key left to the left of normal.
Yes. Yes you can.
Ignore it. Move on.
as it’s spelled: im gur.
“I’m gur”?
Tony… Is that you?
Were you in the Oval Office yesterday?
Well the alternative was too heinous to consider.
Yes. Yes it is.
It’s called empathy. Their words and actions obviously have an effect on you, so it shouldn’t be surprising that the opposite is true as well. Reading people and their moods inform this and help you predict how they might react in the moment.
I suspect most of what you’re talking about is about timing. Taking a jovial mood and injecting serious topics without warning will piss people off. You’re killing the mood. “Don’t be so negative” sounds to me like you’re not reading the room. Let people enjoy those times. If you need to raise a serious subject with someone - a deft “now’s not the time, but I’d like to talk about something” allows them to finish up, switch gears, and then have a more serious discussion.
The same goes the other way. Injecting jokes in a serious discussion can cause problems too.
The whole thing is like merging into traffic. You have to match the pace of the traffic flow. Too fast or too slow causes pile-ups.
I can be like this sometimes, but I normally try to let people know that the dogs are whirring.
I’ll especially do this if I’m speaking to people whose first language is something else, as I’ll want to answer the question without resorting to idioms or slang. No point telling a Frenchman that the situation is a bit of a dog and pony show.
Don’t tend to have a terminal emulator of any kind installed on remote boxes. They’re headless.