Yep, my girlfriend and I thought the same.
“Oh, I know how to solve our problem! We make our daughter cry!”
“But how?”
“Let’s brutally murder her toy elephant!”
A+ parenting right there
The em waves in a microwave are standing waves, meaning energy is deposited in the food only on some spots, and the spots remain static as the microwave is running. Therefore, positioning food to the outside of the tray will make it move through these spots more vs if it was only rotating at the center.
Tldr drift your food for maximum heat distribution.
Déjà Brew
I didn’t drink from this cup before
Leaving it to cool
And I know it keeps happening
Calling you, caffeine is a mystery
Falling back asleep
It’s so hard when I try to wake up
Unironically amazing. Fries with all these sauces, not just ketchup and mayo are great, ask the Belgians.
Mir war bis eben noch nicht mal bewusst, dass eine Enthaltung sich so auswirkt. Gibt es überhaupt noch einen Unterschied zwischen einer Enthaltung und eine Nein-Stimme?
I’m replaying Deus Ex right now, and I’m baffled the devs forgot to include this
Privat, ich versuche eine App für Kbin auf die Beine zu stellen, jetzt wo die ersten Instanzen endlich eine öffentliche API haben :D
Programmieren, ich habe soeben meine App von React Native 0.71.10 auf 0.72.6 geupgraded. War weniger schlimm als erwartet, aber trotzdem nervig.
Wenn man das hätte lernen sollen hätten die mir mal keine Teilnehmerurkunden sondern Verliererurkunden geben sollen
So sandwich is the parent category, and hot dogs are a type of sandwich? Are burgers, too?
Oh no I accidentally started researching, there is an actual British Sandwich Association that defines sandwich as “any form of bread with a filling, generally assembled cold”. The USDA, however, has different definitions for open and closed sandwiches and it depends on the percentage amounts of bread and meat… I guess if you put cheese on your bread it’s not a sandwich at all!
Dishonor! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your tuna!
The discussion is not whether solar needs more space per energy produced, (and it does, nobody is disputing that), the discussion is if the area difference is relevant in the first place. And there have points been made why it is not, namely:
You can cover area that is not natural anyways: parking lots, rooftops, farmland that does not need strong direct sunlight
There is so much space in a country compared to that needed for solar that or just does not matter. Obviously you don’t go and remove forests to put solar panels there
Plenty of space isn’t arable in the first place, so what’s the point of not putting solar there? Protecting the sensitive desert?
@GreyEyedGhost even gave you an actually ok argument against wind/solar, maybe try that one?
You keep coming back to that one single argument you seem to have with space requirements, which several people have explained to be ridiculous, and you just keep repeating it? Do you have any idea about the scale of a country vs that of a solar park?
The space saved is so miniscule compared to theobvious benefits (way cheaper, quicker and easier construction than nuclear, no problem with long term storage of waste products) that it is an absolute no brainer. Also, it’s not like windparks are on fields of asphalt.
The area required for enough wind and solar is still small enough to not be an issue. That nuclear needs less space per amount of energy produced does not matter
I haven’t used the microblogging features, I came from Reddit and mainly wanted to have the same experience. That said, it’s as easy as switching between threads and microblog in the sidebar