What’s so special about it? https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/old-railway-handcar-railroad-mokra-gora-serbia-old-railway-handcar-186122041.jpg
What’s so special about it? https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/old-railway-handcar-railroad-mokra-gora-serbia-old-railway-handcar-186122041.jpg
IMO it’s appropriation if it’s done disrespectfully or in an exploitative or profiteering way. Otherwise, it would just be cultural segregation. Imagine liberalism turned full apartheid.
Imagine still living in 1937. #USA
This is the way.
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Drag has a funny understanding of the word leftism, then.
Ever heard of the USSR? Was a big thing once.
I don’t have those, so that. That stops me from doing that.
Authoritarian left is a thing…
People are interested in sourcing of information in 2034? I see that as an absolute win.
Poop dessert fork will have to do, then.
You don’t have a poop knife?
It’s bold to assume communists give to everybody, or basically anybody.
—someone from the Eastern Bloc
Assuming it was totally inadvertent. Totally.
This could be any game, and anyway, does this sub get so much traffic it’s a problem?
Ex-Xbox Exec
X Xbox Xec Series X|S
I don’t think it would be very practical. It’s so heavy you have to use your entire body weight to get it going.