Well their brains also shrunk because they got us to do some of the thinking necessary to keep them alive.
Until you have it write a github action that uses a bash script to process a directory structure with spaces in the names. Never seen ChatGPT so confused before.
Depends on what you drink. On a smoothie the thicker liquid will cling onto the lid while you drink until just at the moment then drip onto your clothes.
That just means the curvature of spacetime is negative.
“Minimum” in this could refer not to the number of years but to the criteria of eligibility. The sentence might mean “At minimum you have to pass the following eligibility criteria: between 5 and 10 years experience.”
If they then give other criteria that you have to match, that’s nonsense :)
Or I suppose it could mean they’re looking for someone with a minimum of five years, and while they’re not looking for someone with more than 10 years they will consider them. “We want someone with (hard minimum of 5) to (soft maximum of 10) years experience.
Is the job for someone to improve the clarity of their communications by any chance?
Yes normal password but it happens super early on mine, and once you log in there is a boot progress bar afterwards. This is an Intel Mac, might be different on apple chips.
Mac will ask you to “log in” very early in the boot process to decrypt the disk, I assume it keeps the drive key encrypted with your password somewhere.
Much better to use a phone running an os built by an advertising company who decided that “don’t be evil” just isn’t them anymore.
A product isn’t just what parts go inside.
Uninstallled python to upgrade it. Pretty much the entire os depends on python and was also uninstalled.
SpaceX is not that guy only. Loads of good people work there achieving epic things. Things Musk does not have the ability to make uncool include flying space skyscrapers being caught by giant robots after having flung a 100 ton space ship / firework over the Caribbean. It’s just not possible. The whole thing is mind blowing every time.