Sounds like an ugly retrofit of bsd jail
There a many traders acting as price finding mechanism for individual stocks. The situation you described is not so as evidenced by companies getting added to and removed from various indexes
You haven’t started your requirements. If it’s only tinkering for fun and cannot handle editing text files, then best avoid the Linux world.
The bigger ones are great for parties but that’s not an everyday event
Why would you want to slam on clutch, and that too without simultaneously slamming the brakes??
There’s a toggle which displays pause symbol when the gif is in loop and play symbol when it autoscrolls
Would it be possible to prefetch the next especially when in autoscroll mode?
Haha, but squares icons are ads
I agree that it is generally overrated. However, I have not seen the other shows and have never heard of most of them. I think the same would be true for most people outside USA and UK. Maybe that’s why it was a pioneer? Not that it invented it, but made it big?
Like by prescription only like opiods or like no advertising like tobacco?
Do you really want what has happened with unrestricted tobacco to happen with meth?
Others have given good reasons. I just wanted to point out that you are generally supposed to use a dedicated computer that is firewalled or, preferably airgapped. And never patch anything unless absolutely required.
Pardon, I don’t get this - “The developer can position themselves as the “highest bidder” by an extremely small margin over the property’s historical value, denying the current owner the windfall from the recent removede in land value.” - Wouldn’t ask/bid and transaction value determine the land value? Why does the land value tax increase a lot if the best offered purchase value will be only slightly higher than historical?
Developer is not controlling the price, they’re the highest bidder. It seems like a positive anyway - existing owners can sell at a high rate, government can get more tax, more tax can fund more support for the poor
Smells?? Seems like bad exhaust system
Hinduism is a mish mash of beliefs with no standardisation. Hindus commonly pray and offer puja to many deities but many consider them to be manifestations of a single higher power.