It’s kinda funny that just stacking rocks is an efficient energy storage solution.
It’s kinda funny that just stacking rocks is an efficient energy storage solution.
np glad it worked.
sounds like contentEditable
got triggered on one of the elements on the page. if you want to try and get around this before they fix it you can press F12 and paste this into your console:
Let’s pretend that OP is trying to find things outside their current wheelhouse, or wants to sample from recommendations to try and discover what they like. Not everyone is a fixed point with immutable preferences. Some people actually prefer broad recommendations so they can expand their tastes.
Are you aware that things exist which appeal to wide audiences? That some things are generally liked by most people? I can recommend things like that without having to be aware of your specific tastes.
I think the problem is on your end. It’s extremely easy to recommend a book. Watch:
You should read Ancillary Justice.
I helped write a browser extension for this game like 20 years ago. Last I heard it was rife with unmoderated Nazis. RIP
JavaScript: a language for mutants.
Unless the pressure differential causes it to escape the moons gravity well it would probably stabilize at some point before dumping the whole atmosphere, right?
Every single one of you sound like you’ve bought into a cult. I don’t need to spit out some kid to feel purposeful and content, just appreciate that I’m visiting to give you a break from parenting and let it go.
Or I can go visit my sister and play with my niblings but not have to deal with any of the downsides of having children.
the queue is a gag; you’re dissecting the frog. it’s not expressing a genuine desire to wait in a queue to murder elon musk. no person who has a genuine desire to violently murder someone is going to patiently wait in a queue for their turn to, what, double, triple murder him? it’s a joke about how a lot of people hate him. i think maybe reading toxic individualism into this is a bit overreaching, but whatever preach on i guess.
this is a comment about a comic where The Purge is a reality. it was not an attempt serious revolutionary planning. and I don’t see how lining up with hundreds of others to kill one of the oligarchy is somehow representative of “toxic individualism”
would the bomb also kill javascript and C++ or would I have to keep throwing trolleys at it until I get both silicon valley and the JS/C++ devs?
It’ll put some healthy fear into the ones remaining, and nobody said it had to stop there. it’s just a nice place to get started.
Can’t miss an opportunity to form a nice orderly queue, of course.
If they bundled the item with a pack of batteries in a retail store and sold it for 39.99, would you still consider it cheaper?
How? You cannot buy this “cheaper” version without spending more money. It’s 39.99 with free shipping other places. It’s $39.99 on Amazon because you have to pay for shipping. You’re not saving money, you’re just getting more stuff from Amazon.
Many of those apps were built on things produced and distributed for free. I would say they are, usually, just a fancy front end on some OSS library. That’s not without value, good interfaces are hard, but lets not pretend they’re doing all the work themselves, and they certainly aren’t eager to reinvest any of that money into the free software that made their shit possible.