That only applies to software with the Source Code available to edit and recompile.
I all other cases, my complaint just includes recommendations in the end.
That only applies to software with the Source Code available to edit and recompile.
I all other cases, my complaint just includes recommendations in the end.
Assuming that it was a sane person that did it, that seems more likely.
Body Toxification?
That’s just the makeup
Then there’s people paying for pirated software in CDs/DVDs
Yeah, when you jumble the words, it is important to count which character is available how many times, or this happens and it’s no longer just jumbled.
Did you mean, “interetn war neves created”?
Most companies just need more ppl that actually work rather than doing politics and profiting off of the 30% working personnel.
Most of those ppl are too smoothbrain to realise the difference between a symptom and a disease.
Also, most of those are also the ones coming to work with a cold and cough and spreading it to others by coughing on shared-use equipment like keyboards and sometimes even coughing right at other’s faces.
Stop making too many of those when you are sick. It takes too many nutrients, which would otherwise go into replenishing WBCs.
You mean, whether the cop that did that should be arrested?
They won’t. They have some immunity thing going around.
I came back to playing a few weeks ago and absolutely stopped working on the 3rd party tool for X4 that I was making.
Now, to get back to making programs, I am going to completely stop playing for a while. Because when I start dong something, I feel like doing another thing and then another and it goes on and the day is over.
I also tend to be stuck thinking sometimes, whether to make the program I want, to put on my CV or to complete my resume website and spend a few minutes of staring at the screen, until I just go make some food.
Also, it is important that the tool recognises if the whole directory tree has been duplicated. e.g. if you duplicate an installation folder.
Nice. I actually wanted a program to find duplicates and tell me, without doing anything to them, so that I can make decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Now I found 14 duplicates out of which some might fit my case.
gut push --force
does not work.
But I added “force”!
sudo gut push --force
still not working.
Of course I don’t try to understand the error output. I just see that it is not working.
I do that when I want it running with root privileges.
In case of user privileges though, the autostart is a better idea.
Also, if you use an NTFS USB drive to move the .git folder, you will be in trouble.
Thankfully, moving those things to pen drives is very slow, making most users tar it first, anyway, hence sidestepping the problem.
As long as you are fine with corruption.
It’s probably about the artistic structures they were encased in, matching (or maybe not matching) the ambience of the place.