Not to mention numerous Black Panthers, civil rights leaders, many others killed. The state knows that assassination can work.
Not to mention numerous Black Panthers, civil rights leaders, many others killed. The state knows that assassination can work.
People often talk about going back in time to kill baby Hitler. By all measures Trump would like to be a new Hitler and his most fervent supporters see him as that. Is it surprising people would support such an action to stop him?
Probably so, I agree most men probably don’t reply like the comic but it’s not uncommon, I don’t think the artist was trying say it’s always like that but just something women worry about
deleted by creator
You’re not a woman I’m guessing
“We can save millions in advertising, just get your friend Will to post about it, it will be great.”
“Oh my god you shot me, I’m going to die, but I don’t blame you because you didn’t invent the gun”
I’m not too young and I’ve been in a good number of relationships. The best ones happen when you’re not looking for it or trying to date. It’s worth it to try I think though, a romantic relationship is unique, and even if you think you’re the worst, no one else sees you the same way you see yourself.
You have views that are independently more left or right, but say if your views were a political party, it would be placed on a spectrum from left to right based on how many of these positions fall on either side of the spectrum. Typically the views that are seen as far left and far right are mutually exclusive, like authoritarian centralized governance versus decentralization, increased immigration vs decreased, but it’s true there is a lot of nuance lost when things are viewed that way.
“I want to eradicate non-whites and install a christo-fascist dictator” is as obnoxious as “all people deserve housing and healthcare and a system based on extracting all excess profit from workers is exploitation”
Sorry to say if your views are closer to true libertarianism and the principles favored by those links you would likely be considered distinctly leftist. Dbzer0 is a primarily anarchist community, on the far-left.
In my experience people in the Northeast US pretty much never refer to New York City as just ‘New York’. New York will mean the state, they will say ‘the city’ or ‘NYC’ to differentiate from the state. Or they will say upstate to mean the rest of the state outside of NYC metro area.
It appears so, it was called other things by native people but the Dutch seem to be the first to call it Long Island in the 1600s. Many geographic features in the area have similar sort of names, like Short Hill, East River, West River, Indian Hill, Short Beach, Beaver Swamp, the colonists really weren’t very clever with their naming.
In NY state it essentially means anywhere north of NYC, the capital city Albany is upstate NY. It doesn’t seem to mean north of the capital in any state unless that capital is at the southern part.
I didn’t say the US was fascist, I’m saying our world is controlled by hoards of wealth and nearly all state actions are to protect that wealth and the people that hold it at the cost of the well-being of the proletariat.
We live under a hostile occupation by security forces employed by the wealthy class, there are deaths everyday due to the systems maintained by wealth and greed.
I agree we should abolish the state but you imply markets to help the poor, do you envision a capitalist structure without a state? What would stop the current hoarders of wealth from continuing their dominance and creating an even more unequal corporate feudal state?
In the suburb I grew up in, a lot of the restaurant workers spoke Spanish, so even at the sushi place the Japanese chef would speak Spanish to the staff, saying gracias could be no different than arigato or thank you lol
Well if some dude went around climbing trees, destroying nests and killing the native birds people would probably complain. The harm humans cause is due to their pets too, cats wouldn’t be where they are without humans. When there are too many outdoor cats in an area they breed a lot and effect bird populations which effects other parts of the ecosystem. Idk if it needs to be illegal but if it’s discouraged the numbers of cats killing off birds can be reduced. If people can teach their cats not to eat birds then maybe it would be fine.
Supporting genocide seems like a pretty good redline to focus on though. When both candidates promise to maintain or increase the genocide, why does this sham of a democracy deserve to be supported? This electoral system and US imperialism doesn’t have to be endless, partaking in the process only serves to legitimize the horrors commited daily.