I thought it was some sort of sky full of stars background.
I thought it was some sort of sky full of stars background.
Nano users unite and edit a few lines of code, but that’s it.
That’s fair, but there’s a wide gulph between transient homeless and wealthy enough to pay all your bills and still travel the world. The overwhelming majority of people in the middle have to work full time to maintain their standard of living, and even the destitute will have responsibilities that prevent them from slinging a pack over their shoulder and riding the rails.
I agree that people should be encouraged to get out more and see more of the world, but that’s like telling people to eat more fresh vegetables and home cooked meals because processed fast food is unhealthy. People who can and do reap the benefits, but not everyone who would, can.
You could chime in that you grew up poor on a farm where your grandma’s garden was your only source of food, and that wouldn’t counter the point that for most people, fresh produce is either unavailable, too expensive, or too time-consuming to be a regular part of their diet. Likewise, most people cannot drop everything and become nomads hitchiking across the lands like fucking David Banner or Jarod the Pretender.
To put it another way, Travel is a luxury enjoyed by the unencumbered, whether by wealth or absence. It is not an option available to everyone.
Mexico, too. I’m never sure if people exclude it because they consider Mexico to be Central America, which it isn’t, but North America includes Central America anyway. Or do they just forget Mexico is a country?
Seems like they should have scheduled it for a summer day.
If you didn’t want to be a bigot, you should have been born rich and traveled more. That’s just science, don’t @ me.
That’s basically psoriasis.
Not really. There are plenty of social media apps and services that aren’t toeing the line. TikTok is being targeted because of their relatioship with China.
There could be a logical explanation for the chipmunks. They are more active at different times of the year, and maybe there happened to be a prolific family of chipmunks near you this year.
Does everyone know that time travel exists? Or is it like a secret? If there was only one, whoever controlled it either way would be all powerful and immediate ruler of all people on Earth. There’s literally nothing you wouldn’t be able to do, and no force could stop you. Economics would be yours to control.
If everyone had access to time machines, it would be chaos. Markets literally would grind to a halt, because time travelers would be perpetually competing to be 1 second ahead of their competitors, all the way back to the beginning of time. Humanity would inevitably destroy itself.
You also don’t know what you’re getting from Amazon. A lot of vendors will ship you new old stock from the back of some forgotten warehouse, or found in the corner of an auctioned shipping container that’s been to Indonesia and back a few times. That’s fine for a pair of pliers, but that bag of a flavor of M&Ms they discontinued in the 90s that you can only find on Amazon? Roll a D20 and add constitution.
Ok but it also highlights one of the sources for that preconception. A single influx of cash won’t get an unhoused person back on their feet. They can’t take $100 to the bank and get a car loan or a mortgage. They could rent a room for a day or two at most, OR they could get some drugs and/or alcohol and enjoy life for a few hours. Might even get laid, or make a friend.
Do you expect them to maximize the value of that opportunity? To go buy some bulk rice and beans and start meal prepping, or invest in a bus pass and a collared shirt? When you’re down, a day of fun can be the memory that sustains you through some hard times. There’s logic in choosing the short-term when things are that bleak.
The real problem is that we confuse handouts for safety nets and investments in our society. Every study on the subject of aid shows us that poor people need money. Not food stamps, not shelters, not some tightly-controlled stipend with strings and requirements and monitoring. Straight cash is the best remedy, and it’s not even close. Some people will buy drugs or alcohol or lobsters or whatever else people are afraid of.
The lesson here is that it’s OK if a welfare recipient spends some of that money enjoying themselves. Addiction treatment should be available to all, but there isn’t a vice in the history of human civilization that has been eliminated or even reduced by making people poorer. If we had UBI, then people would have a reason to stay sober and rejoin society as a functioning adult. If we simply gave out the money we already spend fighting homelessness and addiction, it would provide more help to more people, even if some of them spiral down further.
That depends on two things.
Will he live that long?
Will the people who own him let him have it?
You know, I hadn’t considered that. You’re immortal and so is everyone else. Do you even bother trying to enforce laws? Anyone put in jail is going to wake up back in their own bed. Anyone in jail is going to do whatever they can to escape. I suppose the guards aren’t going to show up for work. In fact, nobody is going to go do their jobs. Why would you choose to slog it out when you could do anything? Power companies will go dark, and public transit will disappear. Telecoms would stop working and anything that isn’t automated will just go away.
I suppose the early morning hours would be a mad dash for resources and weapons. Anyone unfortunate enough to sleep in that day would wake up to a world gripped in chaos every single day. Late nights would be either a wild party or extremely lonely.
But with the reset, things wouldn’t fall into disrepair. People who want to restore power and communications go just go and turn those back on. Money would be meaningless, so it would just be civic pride and boredom that brings the world back from chaos.
Sex wouldn’t mean much. Anyone giving birth that day would probably get weird. Anyone suffering from terminal illnesses would probably secure some great drugs and numb the pain as much as possible.
We would create a lot of performance art. Music, plays, creative storytelling, everyone would have time to create and consume.
Physical art would be almost nonexistent. You couldn’t work on a painting or statue, and anything you create would be gone by the next day.
If everyone is experiencing it, then everyone is going to change their behavior every day and the only thing that will be the same is the weather. There will be no patterns, but you’ll have people walking down the street, dodging pidgeon poop like Nic Cage with a mullet.
Sorry, I wasn’t clear about that being a tongue in cheek remark.
In English, I like to think it would be a “thingie.” Like Germans are constantly trying to remember the word “lighter” and they’re like, “you know, the whatsit, the… fire… thingie.”
No idea, I don’t speak German. I just studied it a bit and barely remember a few basic phrases.
Not sure what you mean by “procedures,” but no. It’s explicitly forbidden for anyone to discriminate against you based on your race or ethnicity. You won’t be asked if you are black or white or anything else. People might be curious where you are from, especially if you have a strong accent, but you’re free to tell them to fuck off (especially if they are being racist.)
We have laws preventing creating neighborhoods or schools that exclude specific races, but there are regional schools in communities that are primarily one race or another. Generations of racial segregation, redlining, blockbusting, and gerrymandering have created persisitent segregation that survives decades after those practices were outlawed.
So no, you’re not misinformed. Historical segregation was real and still affects communities today, but there are no laws enforcing racial segregation. We do have a lot of bigots, as evidenced by the literal Nazi salute at the Trump inauguration today, so you should be careful in places like rural Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Utah, and South Carolina. But if you’re visiting a major city, or any famous tourist attractions, you’ll probably not experience any overt racism beyond a Trump bumper sticker.