Conventional ACs don’t “operate at 100% all the time” either. The compressor is cycled by the thermostat. You cannot calculate consumption of either without knowing the temperature gradient between the conditioned and outside space.
i hate it.
Conventional ACs don’t “operate at 100% all the time” either. The compressor is cycled by the thermostat. You cannot calculate consumption of either without knowing the temperature gradient between the conditioned and outside space.
I can’t stand the proselytizing powered by privilege on so many planes. Whether it’s cost, availability, or time, people have many reasons for being mUrDeReRs. Nobody likes being condescended over things that are barely in their control as it is.
Free speech is merely an ill-defined right to speak without consequence from the government, not the right to a podium wherever you choose.
You should report him. Everyone who knows someone with the motive and the means should. You can have guns, or your head filled with caustic bile, but not both.
Lol, I’m not Gen Z, bud. And calling your screeds “telling the truth” is quite the stretch. Most of them are just indignant bitching. Yes, we know, there are problems. The bitching is excruciating, especially when you’re the one who keeps poking your own wounds rather than bandaging them.
For most people who claim to be as observant and clued in as yourself, starting a thread like this and being almost universally panned would prompt some self reflection. I hope this is true for you, too.
As someone else said, you sound super toxic, and frankly, insufferable. I’ve had friends like you. They are exceedingly tiresome people to be around.
Your agitation is largely self-induced, as you stomp your feet and whine like a toddler denied his toy rather than mitigating it like an adult. Microsoft is a business. Their motivation is to deliver as little value to the user as possible while making as much money as possible. This has been this way since they won the IBM DOS contract and no longer had to compete on their product alone. You can whine, or you can use something else that better aligns with your needs and values as a user.
Ask your doctor if Xanax is right for you.
This sub merely asks for questions but instead we got a wall of indignant text about how you will pre-ignore any solutions to your complaint.
Removed by mod
Interesting. Reminds me of PC/IX, and it probably similarly doesn’t even enter pm, judging from it running also on an 8086.
286 Protected Mode is very different from 386 PM and there is no way Linux will would run on it.
it was uncontroversial and undramatic.
The horrors. This is why lemmy is so horrible!
You need to click search tools and select “verbatim.”
It absolutely is. The thing that isn’t enough is doing a full disk TRIM, but I haven’t seen that recommended. A single pass of dd if=/dev/zero
is plenty adequate.
Yes, unless they are OPAL, in which case it’s done the same way as SSDs: throw away the key.
Laughing at all the Hollywood shit in this thread. A single pass erase (or ATA Secure Erase, if they are SSDs that support the command) is more than enough. Nobody is going to waste time and money recovering data of unknown provenance from a landfill.
If you run a server…
psql -U lemmy -c "SELECT (person.name || '@' || instance.domain) AS user,
('https://' || instance.domain || '/u/' || person.name) AS their_instance_url,
('https://${INSTANCE}/u/' || person.name || '@' || instance.domain) AS url,
FROM comment_like
JOIN person ON comment_like.person_id = person.id
JOIN instance ON person.instance_id = instance.id WHERE comment_id = $1;"
Edit: lol@ the downvotes. Do people think lemmy operates on the principles of magic? Sorry my SQL offends you.
I’d say it’s pretty damn difficult for both. The VFD speed is dependent on the gradient, just like the duty cycle of a conventional AC is.