24 players, 1 controller ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
24 players, 1 controller ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Ask Africans.
This is why we need to build the wall…! From the south Atlantic to the north Atlantic. The yankie threat can not go unabated.
Also, this is fitting punishment for the Belgians. They - and the entire world - knows they they did.
It’s just C with a borrow checker.
Reddit gargles fascist schlong.
Nuff said.
Hector… you ever work a day in your bombaclat life?
Why are you booing? Oh yeah, right. Because it’s a shallow and superficial take - but still, the boy has a point.
The Dems have been neglecting democratic process within their own ranks, in effect alienating their constituency - and it has been going on long before Palestine hit the mainstream. The last time the Dems held a primary was in 2008.
All of this has culminated in a disenfranchised voter base that just doesn’t give af about the dems - and it’s well deserved.
haha it suffered a slow and agenising death…
I can recommend utilizing watchtower for image updates and ChainGuard registry for image layering if someone is using Docker. Watchtower should be fairly easy to implement, even across images, and chainguard meets with governmental and military standards. They are also quite lightweight images, since they’ve gone over to a new base distro that cuts down on a lot of cruft.
It’s not a question of being a geek, but securing your entire supply chain. If you don’t already vet container image layers and cosigning said containers, chances are you’re already in risky rivers all the same.
In essence the rooted mode was never that big of a risk when compared to the actual runtimes. Certain attacks don’t even care about being in a user container if it deals with breaking the kernel itself, even with SELinux and AppArmor taken into account.
Rootless containers aren’t a magic bullet as a result. The only thing that you should concern yourself with is what you’re pushing to prod, how you layer your images and cosigning so that you can source… every mess… to every desk jockey junior…
Do not…
Mess with my infra.
Oh what days we live in when op can say Ni willy nilly to passersby commenters…
Wrong again, though it is a fairly recent feature and as an answer to Podman and to meet OCI standards.
Sure it’s for security… securing my host systems, you goomba. You devs being heve hoed out of my deployment and migration is one of the greatest releases ever, next fo busting a nut. Keep your filthy containers and VMs. Stay outta my host systems.
I’m a computer custodian and I absolutely hate the devs. They are maniacs. Harumph.
Please don’t conflate markets, products and services with capitalism. That’s yee old liberal con. Capitalism is a modern invention and it’s all about speculation, non-existent liquidity, shell and shelf companies and bringing back usury run amok, what would have people burned at the stake during Jesus times.
If it were up to the lawyers and capitalists and not open source responding to it you’d still be paying to copy files. Imagine that? A subscription for basic utility, and removing it did not “impede competition” or “remove incentive”.
But hey, if you want to, I could rig your phone and computer to pay me a dollar every time you copy or move a file, ya’know, since you’re in to that stuff.
Awwww =3 poor widdle doom scroller. Is there too much politics? Well tough tits, youngin! Everything is political and you should be able to accept it popping up everywhere.
As for fatigue from politics that try to subvert and enrage you, have you tried not listening to said politics? What? You watch Tucker Carlson?! GTFO here…
Beep boop beep- I mean… a frappecino please.