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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • Referencing an unpopular future possibility - “that’ll go over like a turd in a punch bowl”

    Describing something you don’t miss - “I miss that like I’d miss a case of the clap”

    Rain coming in at a weird angle - “this rain is like a cow pissing on a flat rock”

    When someone says they wish some specific thing would happen - “wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first”

    When you’re unenthusiastic about something - “I’d rather shit in my hands and clap”

    • regular vigorous exercise - I do this five or six days per week
    • no caffeine after about 2 pm
    • mostly consistent bedtime
    • heating pad, for nights when my lower back is stiff or sore
    • white noise in the form of a fan (though I’m going to need something more powerful, as my neighbor has started the lovely habit of watching tv at 330am with no headphones)
    • on nights when I’m really having trouble, I have a small stash of chewable 5mg melatonin tablets on my nightstand

  • Is there any possibility this is done just to make it blindingly obvious to the viewer that Breakfast Is Happening™?

    Seems like someone grabbing a couple breakfast bars and a canned beverage might plausibly finish the task quickly enough that a viewer may not notice, particularly if it’s not the foreground of the scene.

    Or maybe it’s for the same reason anyone coming back from the grocery store will have a paper bag with celery stalks and a baguette poking out the top? No reason other than that it’s the conventional way of demonstrating the trope.