Good chance this is illegal. Though it varies wildly, many jurisdictions have implied warranties of habitability that require your landlord fix stuff while giving you a legal path to withhold rent or pay for repairs in lieu of rent when they don’t.
Good chance this is illegal. Though it varies wildly, many jurisdictions have implied warranties of habitability that require your landlord fix stuff while giving you a legal path to withhold rent or pay for repairs in lieu of rent when they don’t.
There is no continuity. We don’t have bodies, we are bodies. There is no independent ‘self’ to be moved around seperately from the physical stuff.
I successfully ran a modded java minecraft server for me and my friends for years on an ancient thinkstation with a xeon E5430 (quad core 2.6 ghz w/ddr3 ram) doing double duty as a NAS. That old xeon couldn’t carry your i5’s jock on single core performance, which is your main concern. As long as you’re not running huge kitchen sink packs with giant complex bases I think you’ll be fine.
The only reputable org having a likely informed and less biased conversation about real research on that list is the AVMA which states in the link you posted:
In contrast to what has been reported in the news media, the data from this study CANNOT be used to infer any breed-specific risk for dog bite fatalities…
Note that the emphasis was theirs.
While I suppose it is possible that one of those lawyers from the other links has done a responsible job of representing the facts and isn’t just an ambulance chaser, you clearly didn’t read your own sources, so I don’t see any reason to waste my time on it either.
‘Pit bull’ doesn’t even have a real definition. It’s sometimes considered a breed or sometimes a family or class and may include more than a dozen different breeds and their mutts depending on who is counting.
Both the CDC and AVMA say there is no sufficiently reliable source for breed data related to dog attacks.
DogsBite.org literally states their objective is convincing people pit bulls are dangerous and claims they can reliably ID a breed from a photograph.
So go pound sand with that ‘facts’ horseshit.
Even if we wanted to ignore those problems and take it seriously as a source, it completely neglects the only relevant question of the proportion of dogs within a breed that attack. Without reliable information about the sizes of the populations of included breeds, the chart is useless.
Real research on this exists.
CONCLUSION Maulings by dogs can cause terrible injuries47 and death—and it is natural for those dealing with the victims to seek to address the immediate causes. However as Duffy et al (2008) wrote of their survey based data: “The substantial within-breed variation…suggests that it is inappropriate to make predictions about a given dog’s propensity for aggressive behavior based solely on its breed.” While breed is a factor, the impact of other factors relating to the individual animal (such as training method, sex and neutering status), the target (e.g. owner versus stranger), and the context in which the dog is kept (e.g. urban versus rural) prevent breed from having significant predictive value in its own right. Also the nature of a breed has been shown to vary across time, geographically, and according to breed subtypes such as those raised for conformation showing versus field trials.37 Given that breed is a poor sole predictor of aggressiveness and pit bull-type dogs are not implicated in controlled studies it is difficult to support the targeting of this breed as a basis for dog bite prevention. If breeds are to be targeted a cluster of large breeds would be implicated including the German shepherd and shepherd crosses and other breeds that vary by location.
I had an intro to sociology prof spend an entire lecture on full blown anti vax conspiracy shit.
Also had a bio prof take 5 during an anatomy lecture to give a teary eyed plea for the young women in class to not ruin one of the ‘fundamental joys of motherhood’ by getting their nipples pierced.
Any model from any major brand made in the last 10 years off craigslist?
With that kind of spec I, don’t know what you’re expecting—anything that turns on will be able to do that.
Where’s Workaholic Dad who only comes around when your Mom who doesn’t really care if you lived or died unless you’re making her look good/bad to her friends asks him to beat you?
Also how to title a post.
Wage workers fill out a form with their employer called a W-4 that lets the employer determine the appropriate amount to deduct in tax and pay to the IRS for you.
Many people have additional sources of income though, some of which will pay tax for you, some of which do not. Each Year when you ‘file’ your taxes you gather all that information together and pay any outstanding balance. (or receive a refund for overpayment). The form is called a 1040 and comes with a workbook that walks you through everything. It includes very large tables where you can look up the tax amount to avoid having to calculate it as well. If your tax situation is fairly straightward an eighth grader could probably do it.
I really enjoy the post downvotes, as if to directly demonstrate why this is a terrible idea. It was a fair question and there is nothing wrong with asking it, but people are mashing downvote anyway because they disagree.
The button has too much power already and too few people are interested in using it correctly.
I reckon, given the extent of voluntary submission to constant surveilance from corporations and the continued march deeper into oligarchy, that it’s only a matter of time until platforms that aren’t explicitly anti-privacy are going to be reframed as extremist and dangerous as a part of the global political conversation. Perhaps this will end up being the leading edge of that.
Not enough foil, maybe add a couple old cds.
Uhh why you advocating for the internet to unalive itself?
Fair enough. Not temps then.
It would not surprise me in the least to find out a big heatmonster like those X3D chips will hit throttling temps at idle if the CPU fans stop spinning. Probably within seconds of booting. Can you check the actual clock speeds of the cores at idle/load? See if you’re geting anywhere close to your 5.whatever ghz.
This one, any mention of temps is conspicuously absent. OP should check them immediately.
Drug tests. A lot of cups have a temperature sensor to foil would be fakers bringing someone else’s pee with them.
That smoke you see in the distance is actually steam rising from Japan’s numerous nuclear plants as they prepare for the incoming demand from the armada of fax machines about to be turned on at Nintendo’s lawyer’s offices.
Whatever you end up doing immediately after you finish setting it up, throw some files on it you don’t care about and practice breaking and reassembling your RAID a few times before you put anything important on it. You want to understand the basic process before things fail.