That is certainly not true. It is illegal. It is often civil, but can be criminal copyright infringement based on specific criteria.
That is certainly not true. It is illegal. It is often civil, but can be criminal copyright infringement based on specific criteria.
I don’t get diarrhea every 4 weeks. Do you?
That isn’t quite right. If you stopped paying the bank would kick you out and sell the apartment to someone else, but if they get less than you owe them for it, they will also send you a bill for the remainder.
And then sue you to get that money.
Interestingly, if they get more than you owe them for it, they will cut you a check for the difference.
But you are actually wrong about how and what the order of operations is.
You are buying the house, the lender (bank) writes the check directly to the seller, and you sign a mortgage agreement for that much with the bank and they put a lien on your house. The bank does not own the house, you do. The bank owns a promissory note from you, backed by your personal wealth and credit and the value of the house (that they have a lien on).
In the case of Twitter, yes, Twitter itself is part of the collateral, but so was Elon musks personal wealth and Tesla shares.
That’s not how debt works, he almost certainly pledged assets and a personal guarantee against it. This is known as collateral.
The banks take the collateral when you stop paying.
I’m not sure so much as fled as that’s where FTX was HQd and he owned a ton of shit there that he bought with customer money.
He didn’t even have the balls to flee.
It’s an unpopular take here I would guess, but because they have the money to do it, and it’s the right thing to do.
The unfortunate thing is the actual actors/writers/producers aren’t getting paid because they’re paid per stream that Disney or whatever won’t count because it’s pirated.
Get some anger management help.
Breaking the locking mechanism while doing no damage to the plastic fender is an amazing feat.
That’s quite an indictment.
100% not true in the US.
Unlikely to be prosecuted or sued, but not true.
What country are you from?
WTO governs a lot of global copyright issues. I would be surprised the fair use exception allows you to download copyrighted content except for a few limited fair use purposes, ie education. And with very specific guidelines as to what qualifies as fair use.