The conspiracy theorists were right! There is a real deep real (e)state!
The conspiracy theorists were right! There is a real deep real (e)state!
This progressed downhill so quickly I gave it an uptoot
This is a visual I didn’t know I needed
Okay well yes when you point out the obvious and valid English word handcar I see how this is a dumb comment haha
You know, I know just enough German to have wondered how -zeug fit into things and now I know and I’m pretty happy about drive and fly things 😂
I know it’s not likely, but I REALLY like the idea of “handcar”
Did you do this from memory? I want you to have done this from memory. You will be as a god!
I think they’d set you up pretty nice - nice digs and lots of play money. Not 80 mil, but enough to not work and have some real fun. Taking out the leader of a sworn enemy is doing them a solid. Fully agreed you’d be their pet for life though
Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too!
Saw the Eminem line and had to take the low road 😂
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My gf did this. Realised that we are allowed to have fun resolutions that make us smile, not just… “Better” ourselves :) enjoy!
My favorite advice to avoid this: stick to the outside aisles - the grains (though problematic), fruits/veggies, meats, and dairies. Only delve into the aisles for what you know you need/want. Not foolproof, but less temptation than walking every aisle, esp. when hungry
No, you-da-cots!
Not sure what it means but I presume a compliment of some kind!
Nah I think you got it. Veiling art as hostile architecture is fairly common so I think the artist lead took over and they forgot the intent of ruining someone’s ability to sleep haha
I see what you’re digging at, I was confused by them too. Hostile architecture meets just plain terrible design?
This may have missed the point of your asking, but I wrote it so I’m posting it lol my apologies if it’s not what your looking for:
I’m gonna advise a thought on what I had to do. I love being informed. But I reached such a level of depression and anxiety of the future that I had to do something.
So I stopped. I told myself it doesn’t have to be forever, just a break. Took about 2 weeks of much less news consumption, forced myself to be brain-dead as much as possible. It led to a few conclusions:
The world turns. No matter what you do, ppl do insane shit. Taking a break for you doesn’t mean stupid shit stops happening, but it makes it less the center of your world. You don’t have to own it.
Life is about a lot more than what’s going on in the news cycle. I have friends who never look at a newspaper, and they’re far happier than I am overall. Just a thought.
The kicker - I still knew what was going on. The media milks a big story over days and weeks, so you can easily come back to your favorite website and pick it up quickly. Haven’t missed anything that I could have changed regardless haha.
A great comment I saw a while back: put down the phone for a few days, and you realize it’s still 2005 outside. The world is boring, but blessedly so. For your health, let it be 2005 for a bit.
Now, I just read the headlines unless something really grabs my attn. Reading the news makes many problems that aren’t yours a you problem. Overall, I’ve realised it’s the little things that make life better. Do the little stuff - help in your community, give the homeless guy a fiver, call your mom, ask the cashier how her day is (and genuinely care about her answer). If you’re up for it, maybe then undertake some of the actions other ppl are suggesting about political action, volunteering, etc.
You can’t pour from an empty cup, my friend. Take care of you first and the world becomes a little better ☺️
Interestingly, this is a reflection of a natural human phenomen. Evolution taught us to be wary of negative events (being dead is a bad look), and to remember them so they’re less likely to get us. As a result, we bias towards negative information because it keeps us alive.
Positive events don’t convey much more value than our base drives can figure out (e.g., this food good, can be eaten). So they aren’t remembered without effort, and ppl prefer to share info on things that will keep us alive as opposed to things that make life a little more pleasant. It’s a shitty system for modern life, but it worked to get us here lol
What I didn’t see coming was mountain dew becoming the drink of the ppl
I’ll piggy back on your comment, I was gonna say something similar (and I fully agree with it 😊)
With only the information you provided, it sounds like you’re potentially navigating some high functioning depression, maybe some meaninglessness. They can go hand in hand, and much of the joy of life is lost when/if you’re depressed with no personally meaningful direction.
Therapy is a good starting point, or even just some gentle self analysis of what may have led you to these feelings (as opposed to the symptoms of it, which it looks to me like what you described).
It’s a process, and it can take a very long time to learn how to be gentle enough to listen to yourself without judgement. So in addition to therapy, I’d add meditation to allow yourself space and journaling with personally directed questions (e.g., what do I feel, what may have led me to feel this way) that might grant you insights. Dig for what means something to you, and find a way to make it your reality.
One final thought - do try getting out there and connecting. It’s hard, irritating, and exhausting. But sometimes we spend so much time in our own space/heads that we ruminate ourselves into a quagmire. Ppl and activities corner that rumination to fewer hours of the day, and gives us a break from our own thoughts.
As poster above said, you’re not even 40 - lots of years of beauty, hope and meaning to be found and loved, though it can take time to really get there :)
All the best, OP
Ironically, I’m Canadian and am more likely to die in the humid heat than the brutal cold 😂 granted, wet cold like you’ll find in Chicago and Toronto are special kinds of hell, no thank you