It’s pretty obvious that .ml runs a custom version of the code because they are engaged in all parts of sketchy shit
It’s pretty obvious that .ml runs a custom version of the code because they are engaged in all parts of sketchy shit
Yeah this shit is wild I don’t remember ever wanting to join a millennial community and I’ve never really heard anyone talk about it.
Yes the American government tried to ban a book I can get for $6 on Amazon Prime. Why do people believe these things?
It’s always amazing to me seeing the “everything you read is propaganda” mfs insist that nothing they read is propaganda.
Bend over and I’ll show you
And people on Lemmy still refuse to believe that these trolls aren’t just fascists pretending to be leftists.
In a real coffee shop you’d get a fixed amount of espresso and milk. A proper latte doesn’t just add milk to fill the cup, and “no ice” isn’t some hack to get an extra shot.
Automated espresso machines are becoming the norm all over the world tbh.
And experience the exact same thing. A real iced latte will still be a standard amount of espresso and milk.
Bro in literally every other country they press the button on the espresso machine to decide how much coffee you get
Oh God I would never admit this to anyone IRL
The presumes that tankies are not actually just right wing trolls trying to divide the left via extremism.
Smoke weed erry day
Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW
LA is trash so that makes sense
Known farter because I can assert dominance
I’m with you buddy. I legitimately don’t understand why anyone would ever eat one of those trash burgers. The breakfast sandwiches are edible but only if you have literally no better option.
For a plastic wrapped snack waffle it was ok
That Mark Zuckerberg holds several records for most fists shoved inside a human body at once