Is that Reginald?
I’ll switch to Wayland when XFCE makes the switch. For now, X is sufficient for me.
Worst year of my life.
Sweden represent :,(
I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad.
Something very sweet with living in a country with a different language than English is that the people on the phone can’t be outsourced.
The AI problem remains though :(
Lol, Goofy is called Långben in Swedish, meaning “long leg”
I didn’t collect them myself, so I actually don’t know.
But it seems like a pretty safe bet to assume you could.
What is Donald Duck called in Icelandic? In Sweden he is kalled Kalle Anna and in Denmark I think Anders And.
Hewey Dewey and Lewey is called Knatte Fnatte and Tjatte.
Didn’t you read the meme? Stop farming!
Haha, nostalgin alltså.
Samlade aldrig själv, men hade vänner som var galna i Kalle Anka pocketböcker lol.
Disney had (has?) a very strong cultural position in Sweden.
It’s a Christmas tradition to watch a TV broadcast of a Disney cartoon medley that started 1960 and is still going strong, the majority of Swedes watch it every year.
Before the dedicated cartoon channels made their debut in the latter half of the 90’s, the only time you could watch cartoons where on Friday night, and it was all Disney. It was called Disneydags, or Time for Disney translated.
I think Barbie would like a word