Candyman and Bloody Mary only work if you believe :P
This is the first time for me as well, and it sounds likely to be the last.
If they didn’t do it they get the same ‘not guilty’ verdict, so what is the recourse for someone who was falsely charged?
I am specifically thinking of the US where there are a lot of black men falsely convicted of violent crimes they did not commit because of racist eye witness testimony or even victims who blame a random black person to avoid social stigma and prosecutors who want higher conviction rates.
Not to mention that not everyone has fingers.
Everything can possibly be construed as X.
The whole Lovecraft universe is sort of a hog podge of other’s authors work as well who sort of expanded and formalized parts of it.
It is a shame that the other authors are overlooked because it was an awesome collaboration.
That is what the help files say, but when I tried to register a work account yesterday it did the verify you are human, then said there was something suspicious and sent the email verification, then said there was something suspicious and is now requiring a phone verification even though I did not enter a phone number.
At no point was I ever signed in and able to even pick a channel. This all happened while trying to log in for the first time through the browser at work with my work email. I guess that someone else might not hit that phone requirement as I only tried to do the registration once, but it is in no way limited to joining a particular channel.
I don’t know if it is new, but it is in the help files when I tried to figure out why it required both confirming an email and the phone.
The worst part is that they act like you can set up an account without a number, but then it acts like there is ‘suspicious activity’ and requires you to verify with the phone immediately.
Just rant into this yesterday trying to set up a work account as my work phone is not a mobile phone with sms.
Was registering really suspicious?
My only complaint about discord is that it requires a mobile phone number for an account, and you can’t use the same number for multiple accounts.
I want separate personal (with a silly account name) and professional (with my name) accounts, but only have one phone.
If they develop for only Firefix it will work with all browsers because Firefox is standards compatible.
Zero ice cubes is the correct amount.
get permanently disgusted
Typos can be so entertaining.
They had to suffer that beautiful view. Tsk tsk tsk.
Randomly placed carts are in the way and there is no reason ever to not put them away.
The resource and gathering is part of the exploration, and I rarely feel like I have to intentionally spend time gathering anything I particular. As you build up a base you can add resource things the past can use to gather more of the early resources as you find new things.
That is to day if you don’t it at all, then it wouldn’t be a good fit. But if you don’t like it because most games make it tedious, then this one solves the tedium part at least for the time I have played it so far.
I get angry because of frustration about things beyond my control that impact me negatively and can’t simply be ignored. Knowing that extra step is great and all, but doesn’t reduce the frustration or the anger. I’m sure that identifying the difference is helpful to some people who can ignore or address the actual cause of their anger.
Note: I don’t get angry about frustrating things that I can do something about, or can be ignored.