Eeeh, considering it’s followed by a warning not to feed the mealworms to farm animals, my bet is on “not for human consumption”
But what the crow wants to know is, are you taking avian sex as payment?
It’s brutal, isn’t it? 7 minutes of pure distilled existential terror
Gaston Lagaffe! Woof, what a shot of nostalgia. Don’t think I’ve seen one of those strips since high school
Some English brats got there 40 years earlier:
The strobe light problem might also be caused by putting a LED that’s not dimmer-compatible on a dimmer switch
Motherfucker put a trigger warning on that shit
Wicked Game in my ass
Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Zalgo?
It’s also kind of a fringe theory.
The attribution of the poisoning to the CIA in Albarelli’s book has been roundly criticized. Historian Steven Kaplan, author of an earlier book about the events, said that this would be “clinically incoherent: LSD takes effects in just a few hours, whereas the inhabitants showed symptoms only after 36 hours or more. Furthermore, LSD does not cause the digestive ailments or the vegetative effects described by the townspeople.”
To be clear: I have no reason to believe that the CIA circa 1951 wouldn’t or couldn’t pull this kind of stunt, just that the evidence that they in fact did is pretty shaky.
Help me out here, I’m having trouble picturing this. Like… a pair of complete, full-size gazelles? Just fastened to the woman’s torso? If not, which parts?
Sssssshhh, there there, it’s ok. They’re feature phones
Reminds me of this dialogue from Ghost World
Enid : You know, we need to find a place where you can go to meet women who share your interests.
Seymour : Well maybe I don’t want to meet someone who shares my interests. I hate my interests.
Yeah, that’s fair. Still curved though. In my defense I had it right in my brain, the idea got garbled on its way to the keyboard
Aaaaactchhhually a frozen lake would follow the local curvature of the earth, even assuming ideal conditions and crystal formation and so on
Definitely XCOM in my case
Kinda hot that she can lick her own eyeball like that