There are some crazy good models out there to download for free. I was just messing around and without much prompt engineering was getting pretty decent results. Give it another few years and it’ll be even better no doubt
Just another Lemmy user, and also an idiot who accidentally wiped his Lemmy instance not once but twice. Oh well, third time’s the charm.
There are some crazy good models out there to download for free. I was just messing around and without much prompt engineering was getting pretty decent results. Give it another few years and it’ll be even better no doubt
Stable-Diffusion AI running locally
Is there another way of eating cake?
I have done that before. Its great before and during the cake consumption, but afterwards the regret sets in when your bloated stomach tries to digest the consequences of your actions
I’m not really the correct person to answer this, since I’m not struggling to the same degree as you are.
However I once heard a good tip on how to save money. Most people, when they receive their salary spent it first on the necessities (food, rent, etc) and then save the remainder (if anything is left). But instead you should first save a percentage of your pay before spending on any necessities. That way, your brain will try to make the best use the remaining money to survive the best it can
I don’t really mind nor care when someone is wrong about something as long as they’re not bothering/affecting other people.
For example:
Someone believes that flat earth is real. Fine, whatever, you’re not really going to cause any harm with this.
On the other hand, during the pandemic, when people refused to wear masks/take vaccines. Then it becomes a problem because they’re affecting other people (potentially putting them at risk)
I’m in Europe, and work for an American company. After a few issues in production, they tried to implement an on-call requirement for employees to check the alerts during their out of work hours (5am to 10pm or something stupid like that). I just reminded them that my country has the “Right to disconnect” law, which protects us from having to work outside our required hours.
They changed it to volunteer basis. I refuse to volunteer (because my off time is my time).
Its also getting the content creators onto the new platform. Thats a bigger challenge I think, without creators it’s a dead site really, and making videos is significantly more difficult than image or text posting.
For storage, if we assume the format would be WebM at 1080p, 60fps and 20 minutes in length, it turns out to about 1GB. Even a cheap VPS instance usually offer 50GB of storage (with not too expensive storage upgrades).
So if its distributed evenly, we can host a good bit of videos (nothing compared to YouTube though).
So you’re telling me that my single puny brain is susceptible to influence and manipulation techniques which have been actively used and perfected for centuries?
Well my good sir, I don’t believe you
The code
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello World")
The fourth one is clearly a lie, because …
Do the flowers come with extra cheese and pepperoni?