Rich people write their own rules.
Rich people write their own rules.
Sanctions are like masturbation.
Let me summarise your point above: “the yellow people are too stupid to make chips. If the are doing it, they must be stealing from smart Westerners.”
Just how racist are you?
Probably because it’s a complicated 3D shape. The 2D projection of the hand on the photo can change a lot depending on the camera angle, position of the hand and what the person is doing.
Also I noticed that AI has difficulty when different features are close to one-another, for example when someone crosses legs or holds and object. Maybe the AI is competent to draw the objects in isolation, but their combination is much more difficult. This is often the case with hands,
Why did anyone think otherwise?
Most of them
Die Grünen verlieren, weil sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit nicht auf die enormen wirtschaftlichen Zerstörungen der letzten 2 Jahre richten.
American government told the whole world that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. America used this as justification to invade Iraq and murder its people. It turns out there were no weapons of mass destruction after all.
Ich habe eine Menge Popcorn vorbereitet. Amerika, ich befehle dir, mich zu unterhalten!
check at ArcaneOverflow
I experience the opposite. Whenever I criticise US government, I get attacked by hordes of cringy Americans.
This is how the rest of the industry worked for years. Nvidia was just stuck in the past century.
American producers are shipping NSA spyware as well. If this is a concern (which it should be), best thing is to install Linux on it yourself.
Lenovo makes great computers. They have amazing price-to-performance ratios.
Electric cars are to save automobile industry profits. Not the planet.
If you want to save the planet, then ride a bicycle.
Yes it has. You can see this in political discussions very easily. There are too many people (mostly Americans) who are accusing everyone of being a Russian bot. This did not exist a year ago.
In Ihrer Behauptung fehlen Daten.
Which is still good.