I’m so mad that I heard about it second hand instead of watching the teaser firsthand during the event. Either way the hype is killing me
I’m so mad that I heard about it second hand instead of watching the teaser firsthand during the event. Either way the hype is killing me
Gloves wear big ass gloves use gloves that make your hands look like Mii character hands big ass spheres attached to the ends of your arms zero functionality just big ol gloves
I’ll say I’ve definitely struggled with the same feelings of someone else being in greater need than I am. And from my perspective, you are the person that deserves it more.
Have you ever thought about the first painful sensation a baby ever has? They have no frame of reference for it, and so in that moment it will have been the worst pain they have ever experienced. But to an older person, that same pain is probably just a pinch on the wrist. Does that mean that nobody should console the baby? Ease its pain? Maybe there are people in greater pain than you, or maybe you are the one in greater pain, and unless you have the ability to live another person’s experiences one-to-one, you will never know for sure. All that matters is that you are hurting. Don’t deprive yourself of help just because of some torturous hypothetical.
I love the short film for Axiom, I rewatch it every couple of months. Just an absolute banger of a music film. Baptism is such a raw and visceral track, and the accompanying video just elevates it.
Holy shit Archive mentioned!!! Controlling Crowds is perfect. Dangervisit and Come on Get High are some of my favorite Archive songs post-Londinium
Glad you enjoyed them!
Yeah it’s usually classified under trip-hop. Such a good album and the sound is so diverse. You would not think guns blazing and lonely souls came off the same album
Fuck me I forgot to add “You Can’t Stop The Prophet” off of Sun Rises in the East, that’s probably the best song on the album.
You should check out Psyence Fiction by UNKLE, I think you would enjoy it based on your taste for Gorillaz, and maybe Mezzanine by Massive Attack and Becoming X by Sneaker Pimps. My top picks off each album would be “Guns Blazing”, “Bloodstain” and “Rabbit in Your Headlights” off the first one and “Black Milk”, " Inertia Creeps" and “Mezzanine” off the second, and “Tesko Suicide” , “6 Underground” and “Spin Spin Sugar” off the third. But honestly I feel like these are just albums you gotta do a sequential listen of. Let me know if you enjoy any of them!
Actually one last one, I’d throw in The Sun Rises in the East by Jeru the Damaja, “Mental Stamina” and “Jungle Music” are solid
Any old smartphone with an audio jackand/or bluetooth capability will work TBH. Assuming you will just use spotify, the internal storage would usually be enough to save playlists offline for roadtrips without wifi. You can find MP3 players which are essentially stripped down smartphones to be exactly that if you really want something new though. Here’s one on amazom https://a.co/d/8DIz1Qq.
Emancipator fucks heavy. I don’t think I’ve ever heard an artist capture the feeling of misty forests and snow so perfectly. Just nature really. Safe in the Steep Cliffs and Dusk to Dawn are so evocative.
I don’t (or at least try not to) swear around my ma. She doesn’t like hearing them and that’s enough reason for me. Of course every once in awhile I may drop one purposefully, for the little kick of annoying my ma. I share some of her sentiment though. In general I think swearing can be a bit vulgar/unpleasant, so I don’t necessarily try to swear at every opportunity, but I do when I’m not around her.
🏴☠️, Just a week away. 🏴☠️ is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information
The thing is, in the winter you can just keep layering. But in summer, you can only remove so many layers before you have to rip your skin off to remove another one. Also I should mention that I’m in California where we get +35C summers and winter is 15C. BUT PEOPLE HERE STILL SAY SHIT LIKE “Can’t wait for the warm weather! 😁” THE FUCK YOU MEAN “WARM” THIS SHITS ACTUAL HELL
Summer fans are not real, no way you guys enjoy a billion fuckin degree weather and sunburns that turn you to leather or the absolute swamp in your pants from being outside for more than 2 minutes.
2000-born. You are beneath me.
This Creativity-Detraction fetish must be studied…
If the game even looks slightly like the teaser I will be in love