It looks like a Photoshoped Borzoi.
It looks like a Photoshoped Borzoi.
Never go on a weekend.
About the Crocs, sure, but what about the scissors that will never open?
Fresh water is because of rain and snow. You get fresh lakes and rivers because rain and snow melt washes any salt and minerals out into the ocean. If you didn’t have land as a buffer, the rain would just fall into the salty ocean.
That makes it sound like it’s a password. If a passkey can be saved in a password manager, can it be memorized or written down? What makes a passkey different than a password? Or are they just two ways of saying the same thing? Is it a really long password that makes you dread having to type it in, or even worse, enter it in with a virtual keyboard with a remote with arrow buttons?
Photoshop. You can even see the repeat pattern.