Its been critical for us Oregonians with our massive fires the last two years.
I find it odd that it’s only a headline when it affects California.
Its been critical for us Oregonians with our massive fires the last two years.
I find it odd that it’s only a headline when it affects California.
Why does Lemmy not prevent duplicate links, at least within a time window?
Just your average NieR boss fight.
The Crazy Bus Title Scree theme
He puts people in their place and takes no prisoners while sipping the blood of shit-committers out of wine glasses forged from their skulls.
“Milhouse is not a meme” is a meme.
I’ve always been a fan of for-ged-joe (like forget Joe, but with a d instead of a t)
Does FUTO’s license allow me to maintain my own fork under a different name to offer to fellow users, that is no longer under control of FUTO? I’m not selling (commercializing) it. If not, it is source-available.
The whole point of forkability is NOT for unfettered commercialization, it is a user protection. I as a user should be able to take any piece of software and modify it in any way I see fit, and then be able to contribute that back.
If you think that the OSI’s definition has anything to do with commercialization (other than explicitly saying that commercializing source code is not prohibited), you have completely misunderstood what open source is about, full stop.
There’s nothing wrong per se with what FUTO is doing. They have the right to determine how people can use their code. What is wrong is trying to use the term “open source” which has a very clear meaning to try and win marketing brownie points among its user base when it does not actually follow that definition. It is misleading at best.
Basically: don’t misuse the open source moniker for source-available projects.
So the open source community has a very clearly defined definition of “open” - open does not mean that you can just read the source code. Just reading helps with some trustworthiness, but in order to be afforded all of the protections and benefits of the word “open”, they require some form of ability to fork the code, and to be able to do useful things with that fork. No fork = not open. There are a ton of good reasons for this that I won’t dig into here but you can certainly find by looking up the free software foundation or the open source initiative.
Futo is considered “source available”
Also a florisboard user! Just patiently awaiting them to re-add glide typing
If you opened this up to free-only Steam games, that would probably get you a ton more players. Almost everything works on Linux now unless theres some kind of aggressive anticheat.
You can see a list of free multiplayer games here
Shared memory is basically using your normal RAM as swapspace for your GPU.
Check out MilkV, they have a 64 core RISCV workstation that supports PCIe at full speeds and has NVMe and SATA slots like a completely normal x86 motherboard.
People have gotten modern AAA games running on it.
I don’t need a game to be hard, I need it to be consistent and well thought-out. Animal Well for example is a rather easy game, but because it only has one difficulty, the developer was able to keep a very tight focus on the world and puzzle design. Everything is layered there, because they don’t have to be containerized and sliced into pieces to account for adjustable difficulty settings.
It goes deeper than just simple engineering though. It affects tone and overarching game design. It is multiple extra dimensions that have to be considered across every aspect of the entire game. If it is done poorly, you get paper dolls on easy mode and damage sponges on hard and nothing of merit to compensate for these facts. The difficulty of the game goes from being genuine to artificial.
“California bigger, Oregon doesnt matter!”
-Chewget, 2025