Yes, although IIRC she was sort of sponsored to go. She didn’t pay for her seat or dress… I’m not sure we should hold that against her too much. Still don’t like that she went but when someone else foots the bill? Fuck it, go have fun.
Yes, although IIRC she was sort of sponsored to go. She didn’t pay for her seat or dress… I’m not sure we should hold that against her too much. Still don’t like that she went but when someone else foots the bill? Fuck it, go have fun.
Yeah, I used to manage a Google account for a school district. I was able to disable the reply all for certain groups. My solution was to disable it for all groups except for one that I specifically created to allow it. The only members of that group had to be allowed in through a vote of our little tech committee which consisted of me and various upper level admins.
It worked quite well and it was hilarious listening to the students bitch that I had locked them out of one of the pranks they wanted to do.
We’re suffering… How do you expect me to feed my family when I have to compete with HAL here?
I had one where yes everything was plugged in but… The power strips never plugged into the wall… They were just plugged into each other.
That one turned out to be an annoying bit of cable management that I wouldn’t have had to do if they would have just left things alone and let me handle the original ticket
I bought a phone mount one, it charges quite fast and it is so much easier to place my phone in the dock and have it charge. It does get quite warm but that’s easily remedied by pointing an AC vent to the back of the phone.
Honestly it sounds like you got a low wattage one and yes those do charge much slower.
Which is overkill when you can get the same result by just drilling a hole into the drive.
Cheers for the explanation. It’s come up a few times in things I’ve watched and read but I never really got a clear explanation. Just some mention about legal technicalities… And it kind of got glossed over from there.
IIRC, both Canada and Australia are still tied to the British monarchy through some technicalities in their independence.
The ones that freak out over an acorn are cheaper and easier to brainwash.
I know a lot of places in GA where I can get a pack of lucky strikes for about $4…camels come out to just under $6.
Yeah, it’s just nonfood things. The main one that it manifests as is clay.
Pregnant woman are supposed to report cravings like that to their doctor… Apparently it can be a symptom of a serious problem.
That’s me as well. I typically don’t even start thinking about shorts until the triple digits.
On the other hand… I’m starting to layer up at about 65…
I do also have a higher than normal body temperature. I’m usually hovering around 99.3 and I always have to explain to the doctor that I’m not running a fever that’s just my normal temp.
Yes, we should be worried about it now.
It will happen and it will be much better if we can figure out how to handle the masses of unemployed before it is a problem.
This attitude of kicking the can down the road is exactly how things turn catastrophic.
I can actually answer this one. I’m a fraternal twin. I can confidently say that my dick is bigger than my twin brother’s. As for how I know that… As kids we had no issues bathing together… And later in life we just never cared about either being nude. Nothing sexual just a straight up lack of feelings one way or the other.
Also I lived with him and his gf for a bit and she accidentally walked in on me as I was getting out of the shower and her exact words were “I hooked up with the wrong twin”… Unfortunately for her I’m gay.