Got a source on that guitar thing? That’s interesting.
Got a source on that guitar thing? That’s interesting.
Peripheral vision mainly
I love doing this. It’s like an elementary school science project in my tummy.
Not even that. That piece proves that there is no such thing as silence.
I would argue that if you can’t afford to tip then you can’t afford the thing you’re buying. It’s an implied part of the price. Labor has to get paid one way or the other
Let it be said that I think this only applies to traditionally tipped positions. The system is already in place. I don’t think we need to keep turning wage positions into tipped positions as seems to be the trend.
Tipped worker here. I made a little over $40 an hour last night not including my base pay. Is that around what slaves earn?
Pics or it didn’t happen
Short is smart.
Suck it Billy.
Some people are simply night people. I’m one. I usually feel sluggish throughout the day and only really gain momentum after the sun goes down. Even without a night job I usually stay awake nearly to sun up.
I’ve been a bartender most of my life, usually working shifts till 5am. It just works for me. I wake up at my leisure and run my errands while everyone else is at work. No rush hour, no lines. I still have days off to spend with friends.
Frankly, I don’t understand day jobs. When I wake up I’m usually still tired for a few hours. Then I gotta work all day which makes me tired. Go home and be too tired to do shit. Go to bed because I’m tired and do it all again the next day. That feels like not having a life to me.
We’re all wired differently. Maybe you’re just not a night person. You should do what works for you if at all possible. If you have no choice in the matter then I say embrace it. Don’t try to reset yourself too hard to a daytime schedule on your days off. You are getting up around the time most people are getting off work or school so you should be able to find time to spend with friends or family. If you commit to it you just might be able to find a way to make that schedule work for you.
Meanwhile in New Orleans, the entire city is preparing to shut down because they might get 1-3 inches on Tuesday.
When I lived in New York I was flabbergasted any time I had to ride the subway during morning rush hour. I could never live with having to do that every day.
Ha, maggot. Although he is Italian which, I believe, is where fromunda originated. Perhaps he can give me a sample next time I see him.
My Sardinian friend swears it delicious. If it was offered I think I would have to try it just to say I did it.
I’m a bartender. I work when other people are off work. I thrive on their days off. I have days off too, just not yours. Not everybody wants to work a 9-5.
This seems more accurate.
Those first two are great but that Shoenberg piece… Man, some things are best left on paper.
Oh man, you weren’t kidding. That’s just objectively bad.
Captain Fabuloso