Will you share the source?
Will you share the source?
No. We are supposed to not exclude them by conveying information through other means than exclusively colour.
ITT: lots of unpaid youtube premium shills.
It’s actually frightening; the lengths some would go to defend a private company’s interests.
How I wish Huawei would let us unlock their bootloader.
Chora mais, gringaiada, aqui é penta!
Unfortunately, it’s just their offices. The service will keep working.
are you browsing All?
And sorting by new, yes.
I thought someone would of created it by now.
Yes. I never looked at kovarex the same since.
If and only if.
Karlvin Marx explaining one of the dimensions of the alienated labour.
How I Met Your Mother.
In Portuguese, the suffix “zão” is colloquially used to represent an augmentative form. “Popozão”, in Brazil, means exactly what you’re thinking of.
I didn’t know one could be so based.