AFAIK, standing all day isn’t any healthier than sitting all day. No idea about the last panel tho …
AFAIK, standing all day isn’t any healthier than sitting all day. No idea about the last panel tho …
Or just don’t reach for the neck when you’re that much shorter.
What didn’t you like about the “make lots of money” advice? It doesn’t sound like you or your brother actually disagreed with it. Your post reads a lot more like your father said “go to college to make money”, but that’s not what you say he said.
Also possibly low standards, though that’s probably not something that you want to hear from your partner …
At least some of them probably genuinely believe that, and AFAIK it is more or less true for filterless butts. Maybe we should replace some of the gore pics we have on cigarette packets with information about environmental effects …
Where I live public ashtrays are very common in public places. The littering is not as bad as it could be (used to be worse before public ashtrays were common), but lots of people still litter in those areas.
Maybe it’s because smokers already have to make the decision to blow toxic smoke around where other people (most of them non-smokers nowadays) are likely to breathe it in - it’s pretty much an inherently anti-social activity nowadays, so the step to littering your smoking trash isn’t that big. Maybe related to broken window theory?
I’d be surprised if using these kinds of point-and-click GUIs was still common in 2244 years, as opposed to some kind of language- or thought processing. Then again, people are still writing with pen and paper sometimes, despite all the digital advances.
Roommates pay rent and buy their own food.
AFAIK complete amnesia is rarely permanent, so it would probably fix itself most of the time if there’s no serious compounding issues.
Either way, the likelyhood of two missing people in the same general area looking so similar that their family can’t tell them apart visually seems extremely low.
That doesn’t help the cause though, in fact this exact attitude might be a pretty big part of why we’re all in deep shit now.
That depends on the government you have, doesn’t it? Billionaires and big corporations are responsible for most emissions, there’s only so much you can do against that as a private individual, especially if your government is actively working against you (which also implies that most private individuals probably don’t give a fuck about climate protection).
Which might have been an attempt at maintaining plausible deniability.
You’re not going to convince me that he’s not a nazi even if he somehow didn’t intentionally perform a nazi salute - he IS awkward, after all, but everything he’s saying and doing shows that he’s a rightwing extremist, i.e. a nazi.
how tf do you make these sound similar enough for a joke?
I think the German and French are united in dunking on that kind of “bread”.
I looked it up for Germany, seems like you can’t get out of fines by declaring bankruptcy there.
Which country is that?
I’d get pain in my feet (flatfoot) and my lower back about one hour in.