ChildIDFile. Creates a secure file of your kid’s information that lives only on your personal device but can be shared with police quickly. Hopefully you never need it
ChildIDFile. Creates a secure file of your kid’s information that lives only on your personal device but can be shared with police quickly. Hopefully you never need it
Samesies. Geocities and MySpace were a good time. I now only keep the FartBook because of business not pleasure
I have washed shoes on gentle before with success. Technique, I put them in a pillowcase that closes first to keep laces from tangling
It is a bummer that you are feeling financially stressed, but the price of things won’t get better by electing a felon. His stated policies will make things worse
Travel for work all over and don’t have a car or other reasonable transportation in random cities. It costs less for delivery than 2 taxi/Uber rides and I dont have to risk getting lost in a weird place I don’t know. Hotel room service is not good in most places
Yes, yes, don’t use, always have avoided anyway. I also touch grass more often, which is nice
I’m a big fan of Ground News. Helps wading through the pool