Nice webcam filter, OP
Nice webcam filter, OP
Can’t decide what’s a better meme, this or installing Chrome over Edge 🤔🤔🤔
Very tired of reading what Musk says.
I think I prefer “children’s games” to organized crime and wars. Keeps competitve people busy.
Probably because it’s hosted on a Windows machine.
As a former Windows user: this is true, you can disable most of the features you don’t like. I was doing that for many Windows versions, from 98 to 10.
However it was indeed fighting an uphill battle: there was more and more BS with every update, I felt that I couldn’t trust my computer, I had to check forums in order to know what’s the newest thing to turn off.
I am happier now without Windows, even though I had to learn a few new apps.
“You click on a reddit link but their certificate expired and the page isn’t opening”
We just don’t know if it attracts them.
Until you’re doing an online course in a simplistic web editor. Don’t ask me how I know 🥲
And it seems like the situation in Russia is similar: Apple is the 4th most popular brand (2023, link).
Apple domintaing in … Europe
Even your map doesn’t support this claim.
Belarus is marked as a country where Apple dominates, even though this is not true: Redmi (Xiaomi) and Samsung phones are more popular there (link)
And as someone who walks and bikes, I fucking hate that.
That sucks.
I deleted all my comments/posts on reddit a couple of years ago via a UI automation script, and they are still deleted, luckily.
Looks like a wankpanzer to me.
Adding capacity. Fossil fuel usage is still growing.
I’m kinda tired of hearing bs like “if only linux was good enough”.
It is. You just have to install and use it.
Some developers prefer using half-baked regexes from stackoverflow, rather than reputable libraries for email address validation.
I feel the same about Dune. Heck, not a fan of Jurassic Park, but I’d rather watch it than Dune.
I was in a supermarket recently, and looked at the tea selection (I usually buy it at a more specialized place). There were almost no options without bags; quite disappointing.
The more you look, the worse it gets.