Doesn’t make much business sense for the megacorps.
The children yearn for the streams. They make jokes about seeding. The netflixes have won, at least for now.
And if something doesn’t work, it’s all your fault somehow. Which is both a blessing and a curse.
Voting for what makes you mad, living for what makes you sad.
Better hide in the subway, I’m sure it’s fine.
This Palestinian dude always looks so white.
guy with a beard goes on cross
Member when Bezos wanted to solve product reviews to make their search work better? Some time ago, Amazon just gave up and surrendered to the hellscape it has become.
More jobs and cheap groceries? Gotta be more jobs and cheap groceries.
Death penalty backfires because it demonstrates fear for what this person keeps saying.
True, hopefully it will backfire.
Dredge has been one of my favourites. Just be aware that the game starts harder than when it ends.
That’s why I feel progress should be made by leveraging capitalism instead of nuking it.
In its very perverted logic, this assassination is good for capitalism. Every CEO can ask for a raise now.
excuse me wtf
Positive boycotts are the best boycotts.
Otherwise people just delay consumption.