Already working on it. Just need to find someplace I can get a job that will let me work outside the US.
Already working on it. Just need to find someplace I can get a job that will let me work outside the US.
$700?!? Are you freaking kidding? I’ll stick with my PC, thanks.
+1 Usual Suspects for sure. That movie blew my mind.
I would have fully supported a movie with Mister Torgue running around having adventures. Of course he would be played by John Cena in a mullet.
Same. It’s nice to have a way to quickly look through a bunch of options (even if 95% of them are shitty Chinese counterfeits). I’ll even look through the reviews and see if anything glaring jumps out. But I haven’t been a prime member since they put ads in prime video and haven’t really missed it.
The story in Horizon Forbidden West is pretty good too. There’s a whole bit in the dlc about Ted Faro that I did not see coming, but it makes me think a lot of the tech bros running things today.
Yeah, but the non-tech savvy business leaders see they can generate code with AI and think ‘why do I need a developer if I have this AI?’ and have no idea whether the code it produces is right or not. This stat should be shared broadly so leaders don’t overestimate the capability and fire people they will desperately need.
Plus they are bleeding money from all the acquisitions and haven’t seen the return they expected in game pass subs. The cost cutting isn’t done and it would be very surprising for them to try to dump more money into new storefronts when they are still trying to make their own business model profitable (to their expectations).
He works for a marketing and web design firm. So the guy who designed their graphics is gone and they are using AI tools. Imagine paying for a firm to build you web and marketing materials only to have someone just use an AI.
Why bother paying the marketing firm at all?
Some interesting info in this article. If game pass hasn’t really paid off (in maintaining growth of new or recurring users), this may be an indication that they will make some changes to it.
Whenever I think of the good old days of the internet (like 2000-2009) I think of using stumbleupon and finding the best and most random stuff.
Oolong, steeped in my tea mug that has a lid on it. Usually with some local honey. Mmmm
Saw trailer for this the other day. Looks really interesting.
I agree, but I do think that is kind of the point with him.
I do not get every other character’s willingness to overlook it and treat him like just another quirky member of the gang. I mean, Tanisha has no social skills but she’s at least clever and has some clear utility to the Raiders.
I’m in!
I know! I found it through Hacker News and was skeptical about it given the click bait looking thumbnail and title but it turned out to be pretty decent. That record holder looks like he’s about 12 - so weird to think of someone that young playing an NES game.
I second How did this get made, though now that Stitcher is gone their back catalog isn’t available anywhere so you have to just get current episodes ( I’m a completionist so that bugs me).
I also enjoy history vs. But I mainly listened to it because of their series on Teddy Roosevelt. It was fantastic. I recommend it , but I think they cover a lot of different topics so YMMV based on the individual series/topic being covered.
I’ve had issues with this in using govt emails too. DOD accounts all have multiple dots based on branch and dept. It broke so many systems and emails never went through.
I have a withings and I really like it. Their privacy policy made me feel better about allowing my info on the cloud. You can run it offline (it sends weight via Bluetooth to the app but won’t show 7-day trend an scale screen without wifi). I don’t mind that, so I leave it disconnected. I don’t use a home assistant though so I can’t speak to that part.
I have the withings watch also, so I use the app as my catch all health tracker which works well. it’s nice to have everything together. Can’t speak to any others but I’d recommend withings.