This is a weirdly hostile comment… That comment describes parenting experiences for a lot of parents. Is that the absolute reality of everyone with kids? Of course not, but kids consuming a lot of time and resources is absolutely true.
This is a weirdly hostile comment… That comment describes parenting experiences for a lot of parents. Is that the absolute reality of everyone with kids? Of course not, but kids consuming a lot of time and resources is absolutely true.
It’s really straightforward to understand, there’s no “third places” for kids and kids are generally undesired in US society. It used to be, even if you weren’t religious, you had community because everyone in the neighborhood looked out for each other’s kids.
It’s a lot easier when you’re not outnumbered by kids and can swap with other adults, even if it’s 30 minutes to get a shower. Everyone is so isolated these days, it’s much more difficult to build support like that unless you are religious or have family involvement.
I’m in a similar position. Secular childcare is insanely expensive and the only alternative is church preschool. For what its worth, I don’t worry about the more liberal religious schools as kids believe in Santa at that age anyways.
Really depends on your support network, and that’s not USA specific. If you have help and your kid is easy going, then life can be a lot easier than if you have no help and your kid is challenging. Help can takeany forms, so yes childcare in USA is expensive and hard to come by, but involved family can help a lot regardless of where you live.
My two year old has been two for the past 5 years…
It’s funny to see this opinion as I loved Remake and hated Rebirth (quit after about 10 hours). I never played the originals, so my perspective is different, but Remake was nice and streamlined but I felt like Rebirth, in contrast, was a bloated open world slog.
I thought the soundtrack for both games were excellent though.
Many places raise the price of things ordered through door dash. So it might be $13 if you go through their own website, but not door dash.
All diapers have their limit
Historically, AI has found and used exploits. Before OpenAI was known for chatgpt, they did a lot of work in reinforcement learning (often deployed in game-like scenarios). One of the more mainstream training strategies (pioneered at OpenAI) played sonic and would exploit bugs in the game, for example.
The compute used for these strategies are pretty high though. Even crafting a diamond in Minecraft can require playing for hundreds of millions of steps, and even then, AI might not constantly reach their goal. Theres still interesting work in the space, but sadly LLMs have sucked up a lot of the R&D resources.
The challenge is that AI for a video game (even one fixed game) is very problem specific and there’s no generalized approach/kit for developing AI for games. So while there’s research showing AI can play games, it’s involved lots of iteration and AI expertise. Thats obviously a large barrier for any video game and that doesn’t even touch the compute requirements.
There’s also the problem of making AI players fun. Too easy and they’re boring, too hard and they’re frustrating. Expert level AI can perform at expert level, which wouldn’t be fun for the average player. Striking the right difficulty balance isn’t easy or obvious.
You gain brouzouf…
Is there enough gear/experience to just skip the open world stuff? It wasn’t clear to me when playing if I would hit a wall and needed to grind on the open world to progress.
Yeah your understanding about the towers is correct. I don’t think it’s inherently bad, I’ve even enjoyed it in some of the AC games, but in rebirth it just feels like a bad chore list. Some of the combat challenges can be interesting but the ones with the summon stones (I forget the name, but they reduce the power of summon fights and do other things) and scanning the life springs are just terrible imo.
This is a pretty bad take and I feel like you must have not really played tribes very much. Comparing tribes to CS? Really? You think the popularity is because of the team sizes?
The fact that they are only implementing 16v16 seems like a warning flag to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up as a mediocre experience with a few tribes mechanics just largely trying to cash in on name recognition.
I would agree with this, I use Nvidia cards for professional work on Linux and I’ve never had a problem. Yeah there’s some upfront work configuring the drivers, but I’ve never had it take more than an hour to setup.
Factor 1: Not quite accurate. Yes there are categories of waste; the names change depending on the regulator. The lower level wastes are already disposed of in the US (there are already four such facilities). The politically charged problem is always the spent nuclear fuel itself.
Factor 2: Senator Reed (D-NV) was a former Senate majority leader. He extracted the defending of Yucca Mountain from the Obama administration as a concession to pass Obamacare. It’s still technically viable and not disposing of waste costs enormous amounts of money. The federal government is legally obligated to take spent fuel off the hands of operators. Obviously they have not, so the government is sued (and loses). This has cost the government roughly $20b for their inaction see here..
Factor 3: You can recycle spent fuel but there’s no concept as spent fuel with zero radioactivity.
Two largest problems in the US: Inability to manage waste and inability to execute on large scale construction required for nuclear.
I think it sounds like you want a paid product that just works out of the box. Jellyfin has some rough edges sure, but it’s also a volunteer project for the most part.
I’ve got to disagree or clarify with some of these points. These points seem subjective and I feel the need to say something in case others are trying to compare plex/jellyfin.
Hardware acceleration works just fine? Unless there’s some hardware specific issue?
The difference in apps is because there’s two platforms. The web player (with CSS themeing) and the native (like on Android, which is a straight up android app, not a web page). There’s some capabilities that you can only get on Android if you build an app instead of a web player. There’s only like one guy building the android TV app.
Unfortunately just one guy working in his spare time on the android TV app. I’ve never had subtitle issues either (might be a good time to open a bug in report?)
Jellyfin “remote” is pretty rudimentary. You’d be better off just accessing it through a tunnel anyways – and then youd have access to your own just not your server.